OnTheBeach: Permission To Have Low Energy

So, if you’ve been reading this weekly offering of mine for any length of time, you will know that I talk A LOT about energy. About the ebbs and flows of energy, about embracing the ebbs (HA!), about honouring my energy. Rule 7 of my life rules for 2013 was “Work with my energy”. Sigh.

And yet, there I was this week talking to my coach about fighting my energy and trying to force myself to fly through my to do list even though what I wanted to do was lay my head on the desk and have a snooze. *Smacks forehead* D’oh!

Now, this is not going to be a running diatribe on how I should have known better, or how I know this, or how stoopid I am…because that won’t help. Even as I was saying to my coach ‘I am fighting my energy’ I realised how pointless that was, and how absurd…and how human.

We all have our stuff – we have our times when we have no energy or low energy and we’re just trying to get through the day. We have our times when we just need some help to see where we can make a change.

That conversation made me realise two very important things:

1. Trying to force the tide not to go out, or the sun not to go down (ie resisting the ebb of energy) is EXHAUSTING! No wonder my energy has been so patchy – trying to do the impossible will do that to ya! *Smacks forehead* D’oh!

2. I am still trying to do as much as I did when I was not fitting in Vision Sessionswith new and lovely people like yourself every day. *Smacks forehead* D’oh! Again, no wonder I’ve not been doing as much, I haven’t had as much time. *rolls eyes*

And it’s led to two very important changes:

1. I’m refilling the tank before I start if I need to. Not trying to get by on vapours, but truly honouring the energy that’s there. I might want the tide to be in, the sun to be high, and my energy to be flowing beautifully, but if it’s not, my job is to refuel, not slap a happy face sticker on an empty fuel gauge.

2. The to-do list is being cut in half to reflect that it is not realistic to expect myself to do 8 hours work in 3 hours.

Already, what a relief! Instead of trying to pack in 100 things between client sessions and constantly doing, doing, doing so I have no time to refuel, I have just slowed down. And guess what? I’m getting stuff done, I’ve got more energy, and I’ve got the time to notice if the fuel gauge is running a bit low. Plus, I’ve got all these great articles on ebbs and energy to fall back on! ๐Ÿ˜€

I now have permission for my energy to be what it is – if it’s high, woohoo! Let’s rock. If it’s not, that’s cool too, let’s refuel. What do you need to give yourself permission to allow this week? (hint: it’s whatever you’re resisting!) I would love to hear about it in the comments below.


12 responses to “OnTheBeach: Permission To Have Low Energy”

  1. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    You’re right McKella, the seasons do make a difference – in winter I really just want to hibernate along with the natural world! And yes, when you don’t fight it, it’s way easier – thanks for that reminder! xx

  2. McKella avatar

    Great post! I find that my energy rises and falls with the seasons. It’s always hard for me to slow down in the fall and winter-there’s so much to do-but I end up getting as much done as I would have otherwise, but with less struggle and fewer meltdowns.
    Thanks for this!

  3. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Yep, me too – I judge myself on my most productive, energy-filled day (usually a day with no appointments or interuptions), and then I’m annoyed that I don’t get that much done on days when I have appointments, interruptions and a quarter of the free time! It’s crazy really! x

  4. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    You’re welcome Sierra – I need reminding often! x

  5. Suzie Cheel avatar

    Yes i relate to this, so important to fill your well and cut the todo list I still expect that i can do at least twice as much as I can in a day ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Sierra avatar

    Haha! Thank you for the reminder to let my energy be what it is! <3

  7. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Yep, if we don’t pay attention, it can become so toxic. I love the permission you’ve given yourself! And thanks for the share. xx

  8. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Lol Cynthia – when we figure it out, we’ll be able to rule the world! ๐Ÿ˜€ I think that’s part of the beauty of an ebb, to remind us to take excellent care of our precious selves! x

  9. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Thank you Sue! Aaaah, it is easy to be depleted, chronically so and for years and years. The good news is, it can get better the better care you take of yourself (I know…even if I mess it up at times!) So my challenge to you is to refuel and refill that depleted and beautiful heart of yours!! xxx <3

  10. Sue Kearney (@MagnoliasWest) avatar
    Sue Kearney (@MagnoliasWest)

    Donna, you are such a beautiful writer! That image of slapping a happy face sticker on an empty fuel gauge, very evocative and unfortunately evocative of how I roll too much of the time.

    Sharing your humanity with me like this is so healing. I thank you from the depths of my often-depleted heart.


  11. Cynthia Lindeman avatar
    Cynthia Lindeman

    Donna, I have a lot of energy ebbs and flows, too. I always get into trouble when I don’t listen. Why are we so hard on ourselves. Thanks for the reminder to take it slow. Cynthia

  12. Yiye Zhang (Intuitive Coach) avatar

    Oh I so resonate with this Donna! Sometimes after a few weeks or months high energy, my ego gets greedy and wants more (but if it’s not natural, it becomes a harmful pushing). My permission for myself this week is to slow down and infuse LOVE into everything I do.

    Blessings & all my love,
    ps, shared your money ebook on fb.