OnTheBeach - Taking Inspired Action - Donna Higton - life coach and author
When you are working towards a goal (say, having a life full of purpose, passion and joy for example!), what sort of action do you take? Do you take the next logical step, even when every fibre of your being is screaming at you to do something illogical and seemingly unrelated? Or do you follow your inspiration? Taking your whims and fleeting random thoughts as instructions to do something utterly fabulous? For most of us, it is the former. The logical steps. The 'next' steps. And there is nothing intrinsically wrong with that! Next steps will get you there... But there are shortcuts to where we want to go. Little cut-throughs that we tend to ignore because we can't see where they go. Have you ever seen one of these when out for a walk? A path that leads...somewhere. But because you can't see where it goes, you stay with the path you're on. I have never been good at 'staying on the beaten track'. Whenever I see a path that goes...somewhere, or a road I've never been down, or a door I've never opened, I want to go that way and find out what's down there. In the car, this has usually meant one of two things - I either get lost, or I find a shortcut. And I like a shortcut, a rat run, a different (sometimes quicker, sometimes easier) way of getting from A to B. I also don't mind being lost. After all, I've had plenty of practice! And I am the same in life. I listen to my intuitive nudges, my inspiration, the little whispers that tell me to do something seemingly unrelated to what I'm working on. And sometimes, I admit, I do get a bit lost or distracted. But many times that little inspiration takes me somewhere utterly fabulous. By following the inspired actions, I have found resources, people and fun stuff that I would never have seen if I'd stayed on the beaten path. And the more I take inspired action, the more I recognise the inspiration, the more I see the little lightbulb go on, and the more I move forward into the fabulous life I am creating. Inspired action is the whisper from the universe to help you get what you want from life, but sometimes it looks like a distraction. Take the case of Chris, who was looking for a job, and got a nagging thought to call an old friend who just happened to have started a new company and needed staff. Coincidence? No, inspiration. The universe is always trying to help us along, but we think we know better and just ignore those whispers. And sure, sometimes the whispers seem to lead nowhere...but I am a big believer that no inspired action is EVER wasted. Sometimes it is just what you need in that moment. The other day I got a whisper to go to a local reservoir to watch the sun set. It was just what my soul needed, irrespective of what I was 'working on' right then. How do you recognise inspired action? Notice that I said 'recognise' - this is something that is already there within you, whispering. It is not action that 'seems like a good idea'. It is not action that you 'thought' would be a logical next step. It is not action that always makes sense! In fact, sometimes it is difficuld to explain to someone else why it is something you need to do! It is inspired, coming from your intuition, sometimes enormously illogical, but you know it's 'right'. I know you have experienced this before, we all have. And we all have the ability to tap into this inspiration more and more - unfortunately many of us are too used to going down the logical path. But logic was only invented to justify our intuitive decisions!!! So listen to your inspirations...and TAKE ACTION! Love Donna.x