OnTheBeach: When Your Heart Tempts You Away From The Herd

There comes a point in the Hero’s Journey (also called life) where you go against the grain, upset the apple cart, stop following the herd and do something “different” (gasp). Maybe you go to Uni when none of your friends do, maybe you start doing courses in the evenings after work, maybe you run away with the circus, maybe you jack in a perfectly good job to run away to the other side of the world, maybe you jack in another perfectly good job to start your own business, maybe you decide to write a book…

But you do something ‘different’, something ‘new’, something ‘out there’, and maybe the people around you just don’t get it. Why would you jack in a perfectly good career? Why would you waste your evenings doing some random course? Why would you believe in spirituality? Why would you belly-dance/meditate/do yoga? Why would you do something new and different and un-herd like?

Why would you deliberately decide to do something that doesn’t fit in? Especially after spending years trying to fit in! Well, it’s usually a call from the heart to break free. We’re not meant to be sheep – we’re meant to follow our heart’s desires , to follow our individual journeys, to be utterly unique and fully 100% ourselves. (this doesn’t have to mean being anarchic, or dropping ‘off grid’ and living in a yurt by the way…that’s not everyone’s way…some of us just like walls!)

Most of us go through this at some point, where we swim against the stream, where the call of our hearts becomes more important than fitting in. It’s often a very difficult process – it’s hard to stand out, to be the ‘different’ one, to have your loved ones look at you with that slightly worried, or uncomprehending look on their face, to feel you have to defend your decisions in the face of utter bewilderedness, and sometimes active disagreement.

But it’s also necessary.

Because you have to learn something extremely important:

[tweetability]Your inner knowing is far more important to your life than someone else’s opinion.[/tweetability]

I was talking to my new friend Nicky yesterday about this and I got a sudden flash of inspiration that this sometimes painful separation from those around you is imperative – so that you get how it feels to ‘just know’. So that you understand that despite all logical, reasonable, sensible arguments to the contrary, following your inner yes is right for you. So that you learn to trust your inner wisdom over the opinions of others.

So, if you’re holding any pain about not being understood, or about feeling ‘out there’ and alone for a while, let it go – it’s something you needed to help you live your life your way. And if you are standing on the edge of ‘doing something different’, know this – it’s not painful for long, it’s freeing, it’s inspirational, it’s utterly joyous to go and do the thing(s) your heart is calling you to do. I know, as the only example I haven’t done that I’ve mentioned is to run away with the circus…and I know for sure that when you follow your heart over and over again, it’s far more rewarding than the trapped, restless, ‘there must be more to life’ feeling.

And when you do listen to the call of your heart, you will meet other heart-followers too, other people who trust their inner wisdom, other people who are in touch with their soul’s path, other people who ‘get it’, who ‘get’ you. And your loved ones will come around eventually (or you’ll find other people to talk to about it so you don’t freak them out anymore!).

By the way, I’m not criticising those who don’t understand – I’ve been in that position myself, when I just don’t get what someone is doing (Camping for example…I just don’t get it!). Also, those people are doing you a favour, they are helping you to strengthen your trust in you, and exercise your ‘it’s my life, I’ll do it my way’ muscles. Plus, while they might not get why you’d want to do something ‘weird’, they will have other qualities that support you in life. Sometimes rather than someone who can support your latest adventure, you need someone who can put up a shelf!

So embrace your heart’s call to stand out, to be weird, to do something ‘different’, to be the bright blue sheep in a herd of white sheep, and know that it’s not a ‘bad’ thing to do so…it’s simply trusting your own heart in your own life.

I’d love to hear your blue sheep stories!




8 responses to “OnTheBeach: When Your Heart Tempts You Away From The Herd”

  1. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Thanks Rozanne…yes it is powerful to realise these people aren’t there to try us but to strengthen our trust in ourselves muscles!! X

  2. Rozanne Henry avatar
    Rozanne Henry

    I love you saying how those people who don’t get us are helping to strengthen our trust in ourselves. That is powerful.

  3. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Exactly – it’s only when you’re standing in a herd of white sheep you feel ‘different’ – when you find your blue sheep herd, it’s such a relief! x

  4. Leanne avatar

    What a great article Donna – I so know the feeling of ‘what am I doing?’ and ‘why is everyone else going the other direction?’ but you’re right, it’s so freeing once you get the past the whole ‘there must be something wrong with me’ mentality. I love the framework around the hero’s journey, we really are answering the call by stepping out of the herd, but as you said we find other like-minded people as we pass through the gate so it’s all good!

  5. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Thanks Cindie! Oh yes, beautifully put – they allow us to shine the brightest once we listen and take action. Love it. 😀 x

  6. Cindie Chavez avatar

    I think I’ve been a bit of a blue sheep my whole life too! I believe that those inner desires (that may or may not align with what everyone else thinks we *should* be doing) are the part of us that allows us to shine the brightest once we listen to them and take action. Love this post, Donna. Thanks for encourage us to listen to those inner whisperings. 🙂

  7. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Lol – I love it! You’ll have to tell me that story some day! 😀

    To ‘jack’ as in ‘jack in’ means to quit. Jack in your job = quit your job. I forget not everyone speaks Brummie! (local dialect) 😛 xx

  8. Sue Kearney (@MagnoliasWest) avatar
    Sue Kearney (@MagnoliasWest)

    Muahahaha! I’ve been a blue sheep for so long. I actually ran away and joined the circus in my 20s. True fact.

    First, I’m blessed that my blue sheep–ness manifests in audacious yet healthy and of-service ways now. Instead of the insane stuff I did, heedless of my own safety and that of any others unfortunate enough to cross my path. This is something I have gratitude for, each and every day.

    Second, I’m blessed to be on a path where I know that my out-of-the-box thinking and manifesting results, more often than not, in something that will serve my tribe. Yay!

    Now tell me, What does it mean to jack?

    Love to you!