Tag: brain-fry

  • What To Do When Your Brain Is Fried

    What To Do When Your Brain Is Fried

    Last week I had a wonderful creative week, I was totally in the flow, I was feeling good, inspired, excited about my work, loving life, getting to the end of this phase of my book (the 2nd draft read-through and 1st edit)…and because I was so busy galloping towards the finish line, I forgot to…

  • Why Do Something You Simply Don’t Want To Do?

    Last week I was wrestling with a decision – not an earth-shattering, life-changing decision (I usually find those easier!), just a humdrum decision…but I couldn’t decide for the life of me what to do. Luckily just as I was in the midst of my indecision, I got a call from a friend. After telling her…