Why Do Something You Simply Don’t Want To Do?

Last week I was wrestling with a decision – not an earth-shattering, life-changing decision (I usually find those easier!), just a humdrum decision…but I couldn’t decide for the life of me what to do. Luckily just as I was in the midst of my indecision, I got a call from a friend. After telling her that I was wrestling with this decision, she said “If you’re trying to talk yourself into that, you clearly don’t want to do it.”

And she was correct. Had I wanted to do this thing I was trying to decide about, I would have. Simple. I didn’t want to but I felt that I ‘should’ so I was trying very hard to talk myself into it. Without success incidentally. As soon as the obvious had been pointed out, I was left with the question: “Why do something you simply don’t want to do?” It’s a good question, to which I have found no rational answer. Of course, sometimes we just have to do the thing we don’t want to. My end of year accounts are a case in point, and I am struggling through them with the aid of loud music and chocolate right now. But there are times when we are trying to push ourselves to do something that doesn’t have to be done and we don’t want to do.

What are you trying to talk yourself into that you simply don’t want to do? And why? If you don’t absolutely have to do it, can you just not do it? And if you have got to do it, find a way to enjoy the doing of it (see aformentioned loud music and chocolate to ease the brain-frying tedium of my accounts!).

