Tag: gratitude

  • When Life Seems Jolly Rotten…

    …there’s something you’ve forgotten. And that’s to laugh and smile and dance and sing. (good old Monty Python) When any situation in your life seems ‘bad’, what are you looking at? The cost, in time, money, energy? All the reasons that this is ‘bad’? What if you were to actively seek the blessings in any…

  • Giving Thanks

    Today is Thanksgiving holiday in the US. Now this is a holiday I like! It’s all about good food and appreciation. What a great reason for a day off. Although we don’t celebrate it here in the UK, it’s a good reminder to appreciate what you have. All to often we go through life just…

  • Bills, Beautiful Bills

    When you see bills, how do you feel? Do you feel great that you can pay them, and that somebody trusts you enough to bill you, knowing that you will pay them? Or do you feel anxious, fearful, stressed, shocked? Many of us complain bitterly and endlessly about our bills. We dread seeing them, we…

  • How Do You Choose to Spend Your Time?

    Tell me this, if I asked you what’s ‘wrong’ in your life, how long could you talk for on this subject? And if I asked you what’s good about your life, how long could you talk for? And which do you choose to talk about more? I have spent a lot of time (for me)…

  • Seriously Grateful

    This weekend I finished reading “A Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini. It’s a tale of two women in Afghanistan, and like his first novel “The Kite Runner”, it’s a compelling story that will get its claws into your heart. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I noticed that when I closed the book after reading…

  • The Brick

    I found this story in my e-mail while I was doing a mail clutter clearout this morning. You know why this story came to you today. THE BRICK A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out…

  • Look to Your Source, Not to Your Spouse

    All the things you look to the outside world for – approval, guidance, love, validation – your source has in greater abundance than another person could ever have. Stop asking other people to give you what they themselves are lacking, and tap in to the vast resource of love and joy in your existence your…

  • Discovering Your Strengths

    I’ve recently been reading “Authentic Happiness” by Martin Seligman. It’s an interesting book, but not necessarily one I would recommend, because I’m not finding it easy to read!! The style is slightly too academic for me, and can sometimes be hard going for that. However, I do have to recommend the website – www.authentichappiness.org –…


    MERRY CHRISTMAS one and all! I hope you are having a lovely day, that you got everything you asked Santa for, that you are having lots of fun, love and laughter. Remember today to appreciate all that you have – all of the presents, all of the love, all of the quality television (Doctor Who…

  • A Little Kindness Goes a Long Way

    So, another bereavement…that’s 7 people I know who’ve died in the last 18 months. I wonder if the Grim Reaper is on overtime? Anyway, once again I’ve been struck by the kindness of my newsletter readers, friends and family. So many people have been in touch to give their sympathies and to offer a little…