Discovering Your Strengths

I’ve recently been reading “Authentic Happiness” by Martin Seligman. It’s an interesting book, but not necessarily one I would recommend, because I’m not finding it easy to read!! The style is slightly too academic for me, and can sometimes be hard going for that. However, I do have to recommend the website – – I went along today to do a strengths test, and although I am normally a bit sceptical about the value of personality tests, I found this one really interesting.

After 240 questions, it will tell you your top 5 strengths and show you the 24 strengths in order. not so that you can improve your weaknesses, but so you know what strengths you can focus on. Seligman advises us to pay attention to your top strengths and find ways to use them more often. This is an approach that I wholeheartedly endorse – focus on what you are brilliant at, and do that more…life gets so much better then.

The site also has other personality tests and resources – and it’s all free! So, if you’d like to find your top strengths, go along and check it out (it’s the VIA signature strengths test I did). Let me know what you find out!



PS My top 5 strengths today are: Curiosity and interest in the world, gratitude, humour and playfulness, capacity to love and be loved, and love of learning. Yep, sounds like me!





2 responses to “Discovering Your Strengths”

  1. Donna avatar

    Ooh, interesting! I was looking at the book last night, and the idea is to consciously use your signature strengths MORE – so you, like me, can express gratitude even more and express and receive love.

    Thank you for coming back to tell me!


  2. Melissa avatar

    Hi Donna. My top 5 strenghs are

    Appreciation of beauty and excellence
    Capacity to love and be loved
    Fairness, equity, and justice
    Kindness and generosity

    mine were bang on as well 🙂 Thanks for writing about the site.