Tag: learning

  • The Nuggets of Gold That Pave Your Golden Path to a Joyful Life

    A couple of weeks ago, in my wrap up of the March Daily practice, I talked about treating the things you try as experiment, rather than just assuming you failed if things don’t work out exactly as you planned. After having similar conversations with all of my current coaching clients (plus a few friends, old…

  • OnTheBeach: Ditching What’s Not Working

    A couple of weeks ago, I finally got the site stats sorted on my ‘other’ website – this is a website I set up specifically for my ebook. The idea was that through this website, I would promote this ebook, and boost sales. Now, I knew this hadn’t worked, because sales had not been boosted…

  • Discovering Your Strengths

    I’ve recently been reading “Authentic Happiness” by Martin Seligman. It’s an interesting book, but not necessarily one I would recommend, because I’m not finding it easy to read!! The style is slightly too academic for me, and can sometimes be hard going for that. However, I do have to recommend the website – www.authentichappiness.org –…

  • Why Should You Be Able to Do Something You’ve Never Done Before?

    It’s interesting to me how often I have conversations with people that go along these lines – “oh I could never do that thing you do, I’m rubbish at (whatever it is) and you’re so good” to which I invariably reply “Well, I couldn’t do it either when I first started”. Competence in anything –…