Tag: spring

  • OnTheBeach: A Triad Of Newness for the Real New Year

    Can you feel it in the air? The newness? The awakening energy? The revitalisation? The uncovering, unfolding, blossoming? The revival? It’s in the air, it’s the Real New Year. Humans might decide to call the New Year January 1st, but for me, nature has a better handle on when to celebrate a New Year. Spring.…

  • February Daily Practice: Lighten Up

    So, I was sat at my desk a few days ago, pondering, mulling, thinking, considering, ruminating, and racking my brains for ‘the right’ Daily Practice for February. These daily practices are super important you know, empires are built on them, lives depend on them…and I couldn’t think of a thing. I have a list of…

  • What Is Spring Awakening In You?

    [caption id="attachment_3323" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Crocus' Spring in My Garden 2012"][/caption] Aaaah, spring! The days are longer and brighter and warmer (hopefully). Flowers are joyously springing from the ground as soon as the sun shines. Layers of clothes are being shed. The new begins to be born as the natural world awakens. I love spring! Can…