Tag: tidy

  • Video: What To Do When Things Suck

    Watch the video here Working through my lovely Goddess Guidebooks, I loved this exercise to create your list of what to do when things suck! For me, the list is: 1. Change surroundings (leave, or tidy!) 2. Dance 3. Get outside 4. Meditate/Breathe 5. Play with Mollie (my dog) 6. Read a book 7. Laughter…

  • February Daily Practice: 10 Minute Tidy and Clutter Clear

    Did you get outside in January? I admit, I cheated a bit – I was on holiday for 10 days which made getting outside for me a whole lot easier than it is at home in the cold, wintry, dark, horrid conditions. Brrrr. But even when I got back from holidays with thinner blood and…