To Succeed, Be Willing To Lose

I received an e-mail from The Simple Dollar this morning containing this “The best thing you can do if you want to succeed at anything is to not care about losing. And you probably will lose – a lot.” I want you to read that again. And again. And again.

Because what stops most people from trying to succeed is the fear that they will fail. We often only see the successes people achieve…we don’t see all the failures and the losses that came first. And even when we hear them, we kind of don’t believe them or take them in. Instead, we see only that we suck! We’re terrible, we’re a failure, we’re wrong, we’re bad, we can’t do it.

And that is just bullshit. There are some ‘overnight successes’ who didn’t try that hard…but most successes in any area are preceded by effort. And if you can get over the idea that failure is a bad thing, you can enjoy that journey. It’s just part of it – when you f*** up, you learn a LOT! I know this – I’ve done it a million times in the last 6 years in business. And sometimes I really want to give up…but I’m willing to lose so that I CAN succeed.

Are you?








2 responses to “To Succeed, Be Willing To Lose”

  1. Donna avatar

    Thanks Jenn! Lol – and the ‘failure’ is part of getting you ready to fulfill that incredible potential. Go for it, full out, big smile on your face! Woohoo!!! xx

  2. Jenn avatar

    Great post Donna and so true! I struggle with this daily in my triathlon training and every now then in my business. I know both things are so full of potential, it’s scary…