Wading Uphill Through Treacle…

…with steel boots on. Ever feel like that? I posted on my Facebook page earlier that when you feel that way it is time to stop, refresh, take off the steel boots and find a way up the hill without the treacle! Try this: how can this be more easy? How can this be more fun?

Little did I know that less than 2 hours later I’d be taking my own advice! I have this extremely tedious task on hand to categorise and log used articles so they can be re-used. It’s very tedious, a bit fiddly and always gets put to the bottom of the pile. When I decided to take my own advice and stop, I did 3 simple things: I decided I’d award myself with a chocolate biscuit when I’d done 6 months worth; I put on some good music and danced around like a fool for a few minutes; and I created a tick list – every time I’d done a month, I ticked it off so that I felt like I was making progress.

15 minutes later, 6 months worth were done and I was tucking into my chocolate biscuit. It really is astonishing how, if we take the time to stop and re-evaluate, we can find an easier, more fun, quicker and BETTER way of doing things. Or of course, you could continue to wade uphill through treacle with steel boots on. Your choice.





