What Do You Know That You Know

At the start of this year, I had lost a bit of my business mojo. I was tired, out of ideas and I needed a shot of life. One of my favourite coaches in the world, Sandy Grason, a lady who is funny, sassy and fabulous, was launching the latest season of her ‘Fabulous Formula’. It was very timely for me. Sandy combines inspirational coaching tools with very practical business building tips to give you back your mojo and rock your business. I adore her, and this week I recorded a testimonial for her because this program really did give me the shot of fabulous I was so looking for.

Sandy has a ‘Virtual Cocktail Party‘ on July 8th to talk about this next season of the Fabulous Formula – it’s free, and if you sign up, you will get some GREAT free content…and you will see the video I did! Sandy is also going to announce something big – to show she is ‘walking her talk’. If you’re curious, sign up for the party here. And because it’s all about The Fabulous Formula this week, I thought I’d share with you one of the tools I really liked from the program. It’s a really simple writing prompt that will connect you with your intuition, with what you know.

– What Do You Know That You Know –

Most of us have a lot of knowledge stored up inside us. We’ve lived a lot of life, we’ve been educated, we’ve educated ourselves in our interests in life. We may have read a lot of books, done a lot of programs, found mentors, watched a lot of tv and taken in a lot of information. But sometimes, this information overload causes us to intellectualise a little too much, to rely too much on logic, to think that other people have all the answers, to ignore what we ‘just know’. Sandy shared this journalling prompt with us on Fab U to help us get in touch with what we know. “I know that I know…” and just write. (for more journalling prompts, check out Sandy’s book ‘Journalution’).

I know that I know that the Fabulous Formula was a great investment in my business. Thanks to Sandy’s program, I got my mojo back, I got some wonderful support from the community she has set up, and I learned a TON – not just from the program, but from the way it was run, the way Sandy was authentic, fun, and faaaaaaaabulous! And now I get to do it again. Awesome.

I know that I know that the best way to get what you want in life is to fall wildly in love with your life, and have as much fun as you possibly can. Otherwise, what else is it all about? I know that I know that doing things the ‘other way’ makes no sense – ie going for goals and possessions so you can enjoy life. If you just start enjoying it where you are right now, you don’t waste any time ‘on the way’ to enjoying your life. I know that loving life is what most of us are seeking, and what all too often, we are missing because we are looking in all the wrong places.

I know that I know that happiness is not to be found in possessions, in apparent prestige, in the illusions and trappings of so-called wealth. Sure, those things are nice, but without joy and passion for life, they are meaningless and empty. I know that I know that our childlike essence is our most important asset. Our ability to be enthusiastic, joyful, loving, passionate, our capacity for laughter and silliness is more important to our enjoyment of life than any amount of logic, reasoning or common sense. I know that I know that laughter really is the best medicine, and joy is the oil that will keep your life running smoothly.

I know that I know that my mission in life is to help people to connect with their joy, their essence, their passion, their ability to fall in love with life wildly and without reservation. I know that I know. What do you know that you know?

– Something to Play With –

Write at the top of a piece of paper: “I know that I know”. Set a timer for 10 minutes and just write: what do you know that you know? I’d love to hear what your intuition is telling you. Leave a comment.





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2 responses to “What Do You Know That You Know”

  1. Donna avatar

    Awesome Cheryl! Check out Sandy’s book ‘Journalution’ (it’s on Amazon) for more prompts. xx

  2. Cheryl Lyon avatar

    What a “fabulous” idea!! I know that I know that I need to do more journaling, and stay connected with positive people, and this post prompted both. I will be recommending this exercise to my clients as well. Thanks!