What do You Want For Others?

Yesterday I realised that I have been so caught up in the business of ‘making my business successful’ that I had forgotten the most important thing – what I want for my clients. Not from them, for them. You see, I want the people who come to me for coaching to be able to realise and access their inner magnificence, to connect with who they truly are and what they truly want, to use their intuitive guidance to make their lives completely amazing…and to trust themselves enough to allow their intuition to take over. Oh, and above all, to live joyfully, and dance and laugh their way through life.

When I remember this, business takes on a more ‘service’ aspect, becomes less about what I can get or achieve and more about the difference that I can make to 1 or 1000 or 1,000,000 lives. It is all too easy in this world just to get caught up in the race for success, without stopping to think about why we’re doing it in the first place. You can probably think of many examples of people who had ideals and integrity when they started out, but then got caught up in the culture of doing, fighting, pushing and forgot why they began that journey.

I believe most politicians fit in this category. They start out wanting to change the world, and then they get bogged down in the bureaucracy and mind-blowing slowness of change, and they simply forget what they initially set out to do! All of us have our bills to pay, our lives to live, our own agendas in life…but sometimes when you reconnect with what you want for others, you find a better way of doing what you do, increase your enjoyment of life, and you serve others.

So think of all the people in your life – what do you want for them? Your clients, your friends, your family, your neighbours, your community? And is your action in alignment with those desires? You may want your children to be happy – is criticising them adding to or distracting from their happiness? You may want your clients to have a great experience of working with you – is moaning about them or delaying returning their calls giving them a great experience?

Get back in touch with what you want for others and find the reasons why you do what you do, whether at work or at home. By the way, never sacrifice yourself to please someone else! Ultimately their experience of life is their business, but you can certainly influence that.





