What if this situation is for you?

So, Corona-pocalyse has arrived. We’re all (to some extent) constricted and consigned to barracks (or exiled for the good of the realm if you prefer a dramatic turn of phrase!).

The irony of this situation for me hasn’t escaped me – I spent the last 7 or 8 months at home, not going out much at all because I had no energy.

And now, as I am getting to the point of feeling more able to leave the house, we’re on lockdown.

What the actual fuck?

This time last year I talked about the universe slowing me down.

The universe stepped its game up with the MS relapse, that was a slowing down on a whole new level.

And now? Well, universe, I can honestly say I did NOT see this one coming.

At first, when I recognised the irony of this, for me, I was cross.

Like, SERIOUSLY universe??????

But then I started to recognise the positives about it for me.

The early part of the year was marked by a bit of overdoing it/crashing as I started to emerge from my cocoon.

Now, I can’t really overdo it, because after a day of work, I can’t go anywhere so I have to chill.

My default patterning is to do as much as I feel able to, then suffer the consequences when I run out of energy.

Now, I haven’t got anything else to try to fit in, so I can notice the moment my energy runs low and take appropriate action.

I always feel an urgency to get shit done.

Now, the pace of the world has slowed down, and I’m more in tune with that. I put between 2 and 5 things on my to do list every day and that’s it.

Being forced to stay slowed down might actually do me a favour, and help me to recover more fully than I would have if I were trying to live a normal life.

I wouldn’t choose it, but having been slowed down by the universe for the past year, I’m perhaps more accepting of it than I would have been.

I’m not the only one finding positives – clients who have been too busy to evaluate their lives suddenly have time to figure out what they want, and as importantly, what they don’t.

Other clients who have been running on fumes for a long time, who are now having that enforced rest time they so desperately needed.

And others still who are getting to spend more time with family.

Ok, all of this is a mixed blessing, but I think we’ve all gone first to the ‘god this is a pain’ place, rather than the ‘what’s positive in all this’ place.

I have been complaining for a year that the universe is slowing me down… but maybe I should be rejoicing that the universe is slowing me down?

If I take the view that this is happening for me, rather than to me, my perspective changes.

My mood does too – from frustration and irritation to acceptance and peace.

I do not want to minimise the suffering, anxiety or pain this is causing. And if you are ill or have loved ones who are very sick, this is not the exercise for you right now.

But if you’ve been bouncing off the walls of your constrictions, check in with life – what if this was for you? What is the positive in all this?

And it can be a positive in the midst of some negatives – like my friend who said “I love being with my husband and kids, it’s like being on holiday…but I also really want to get away from them.”


Duality is allowed. Positive and negative can coexist, so let’s find the positives…small as they may be. (My favourite so far from my friend: I finally caught up on Line of Duty!! I’m still on season 2.)

And my friend, if you are struggling with life right now, get in touch. I’m offering a free coaching session to anyone who wants one. No obligation, no sales pitch – I simply want to help you find your equilibrium in the middle of this storm.


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