Tag: corona-pocalypse

  • What stops you loving life?

    What stops you loving life?

    I’ve been asking over on my Facebook page what stops people from loving their lives right now. Obviously it’s tough times at the moment – crazy killer virus, lockdown, job stress and uncertainty, financial stress, future stress, the list goes on and on. So what exactly is stopping you from loving life right now? Before…

  • Er, Crazy, Killer, Virus?

    Er, Crazy, Killer, Virus?

    This article is a fictional conversation between a coach and a client. It was first written in May – mid lockdown in the UK, but it’s still just as relevant now. This fictional conversation is an amalgamation of several conversations I had in April, May and beyond. Do you recognise anything in this chat? Client:…

  • How are you really feeling?

    How are you really feeling?

    This article was written at the end of April 2020. How are you doing my darling? What’s happening with you? How are you feeling, really? Stiff upper lips aside, how are you? I’m rubbish! My darling doggie Mollie was put to sleep on Tuesday. So I’m absolutely devastated. She was nearly 17 years old and…

  • Have you swapped one busy life for another?

    Have you swapped one busy life for another?

    I’ve been doing videos on my Facebook page about issues related to Corona-pocalypse and the challenges we face at this time. One of the videos from this week was around the things we thought we’d do if we had time…but aren’t! Are you in that position? Did you think that if you had time, you’d…

  • What if this situation is for you?

    What if this situation is for you?

    So, Corona-pocalyse has arrived. We’re all (to some extent) constricted and consigned to barracks (or exiled for the good of the realm if you prefer a dramatic turn of phrase!). The irony of this situation for me hasn’t escaped me – I spent the last 7 or 8 months at home, not going out much…

  • Feel how you feel

    Feel how you feel

    How are you doing my friend? How is the C word affecting you? In chatting with friends and family, we’re going through lots of feelings! Stress, panic, fear, anxiety, irrationality, irritability, tears, hysteria, paranoia, anger…. And for many of us, we’re shocked by how much we’re feeling, or we didn’t expect it to affect us…

  • Menu of helpful things for anxiety and catastrophising

    Menu of helpful things for anxiety and catastrophising

    When I’m not well, or in turbulent times, I get anxious. When I’m tired, or in turbulent times, I catastrophise. Right now, I’m noticing a spike in my anxiety and catastrophising (wonder why???). But it’s all good because I have ways I deal with the eeks and omg’s and what if’s. Here’s my menu of…