You Got Potential - Donna Higton - life coach and author
Are you living up to your best self? Being the best you can be? Fulfilling your potential? No? Join the club! Me neither…until I take over the universe, I never will fulfil my potential (evil chuckle). The first thing that really interests me about this 'potential' business is that you can never fulfil it…there's always something more to be. And the second is that so many of us don't even try. We give up before we get anywhere near the person we could be - fear of failure (or of success!) keeps us stuck where we are, in the comfort zone, in the rut. 10 years ago, that was me - I was so underwhelmed by my life that I was running screaming for the exits. What I've discovered since then is that while fulfilling your potential may be an impossible goal (can't prove that yet…I'll let you know when I'm running the universe), stretching towards it is EASY. Exploring my potential is fun…and it is an incredible confidence boost to discover all the things I can do if I have a go - dancing, public speaking, sky-diving, training, leadership, marketing, being fully and wonderfully me. You don't have to bungee off a bridge or move to China to start stretching yourself and exploring your potential, you can do it gently. Just by deciding to do something new, or even something old in a new way. Life gives us the most wonderful opportunities to grow and expand every moment of every day - do you take those opportunities? Or do you languish in the easy life, while bit by bit your soul dies? Sound dramatic? Well, that's how I remember life when I wasn't expanding, growing, exploring and enjoying my potential. Is it any different for you? Inside you is the most wonderful, magnificent, beautiful, joyful, passionate being…is that being crying to get out? This week, make the commitment to yourself to start exploring your potential - you could explore your potential for daring, for fun, for joy, for success, for love…for anything you want to be more. Love Donna.x