Category: Featured

  • Difficult and Impossible are Two Different Things

    I just watched Helen Skelton’s high wire walk at Battersea Station for Comic Relief (watch the highlights here or go to the bbc iplayer for the full program). She walked a tightrope suspended between the chimneys at Battersea Power Station 492 feet in the air. Shudder. I could barely watch, so fair play to her…

  • What Gifts Do I Wish To Share?

    [caption id="attachment_2452" align="alignleft" width="150" caption=" "][/caption]Wishcasting Wednesday is here again. This week Jamie asks: What Gifts Do I Wish To Share? I wonder if everyone who ponders this question starts the same way as I do? With ‘what gifts do I even have?’ Which, of course, we all do. We all have gifts…but all too…

  • Pat On The Back

    Lately I’ve received quite a few pats on the back for my website/blog. I received a LOVELY e-mail last week thanking me for my ramblings (they didn’t say ramblings, but that’s how I like to think of my blog!). A couple of ‘new’ friends have complimented my fabulous website and blog, and then yesterday I…

  • From the Wire blog 2: Price Setting

    Here’s the second blog I featured in on Carrie Eddins WIRE blog: Help for women in business.. It’s the start of the term, for many, and often the renewal of a business idea , and indeed start of a business for others in the lead up to Christmas. For me, I am about to launch…

  • What Do You Know That You Know

    At the start of this year, I had lost a bit of my business mojo. I was tired, out of ideas and I needed a shot of life. One of my favourite coaches in the world, Sandy Grason, a lady who is funny, sassy and fabulous, was launching the latest season of her ‘Fabulous Formula’.…

  • The Truth of You

    “I can’t tell you what your next action will be, but mine involved a full stop. I had to stop living unconsciously, as if I had all the time in the world. The love and good and the wild and the peace and creation that are you will reveal themselves, but it is harder when…

  • If You Could Do It All Again

    You may have seen this poem, it does the rounds on e-mail occasionally. This week, a friend sent it to me and I read it again and once again realised how wonderful a philosophy it is: IF I HAD MY LIFE TO LIVE OVER I’d dare to make more mistakes next time. I’d relax, I…

  • Magic Moments

    I am currently sat in the sunshine, with my laptop on my lap, music playing and delighted to be alive and outside! In this moment, I am so loving working for myself. It’s a magic moment. And so far it’s lasted half the morning. Ok, I didn’t say this to brag, but to make a…

  • Iphones, Ipads and ebooks

    Hello folks! Hope you had a happy easter and didn’t make yourself sick with all the chocolate. I am hiding my remaining Easter Eggs as I can’t seem to stop myself picking at them…and I feel sick! Lol. I am well and truly sated with chocolate…perhaps just one more mini egg? πŸ˜‰ Anyway, I wanted…

  • May the Sun Shine for You

    On a St Patrick’s Day card I received: “Whenever there is happiness, hope you’ll be there too Wherever there are friendly smiles, hope they’ll smile on you Whenever there is sunshine, hope it shines especially for you To make each day for you as bright as it can be.” Happy Tuesday! Love Donna.x