Category: Fun

  • What You Should Do By 31st

    This was in the Lighten Up newsletter from the Playful Spirit (Lisa) this week. (I’ll share her website when it’s up and running) 1. Make a list of all the things you ‘should’ do before the end of this year. 2. Light a match and burn that piece of paper. 3. Make a list of…

  • Bohemian Rhapsody by the Muppets

    Happy Friday! Love Donna.x

  • A Month Of Giving

    As we’re coming up to Christmas, I thought this video might inspire you to think of your giving in a different way…and I’m thinking I might do this challenge myself in December (well, it sounds easier and more fun than nanowrimo!) To check out more inspiring stories from Daryn, go to Love Donna.x

  • An Injection of Energy

    Since having ‘the tingles’, I’ve been unable to do a couple of the things that normally help raise my energy – yoga and swimming. So I’ve had to pay attention to what else raises my energy level and do more of that. When talking about this with a friend, I realised that some people are…

  • Quote to Live By this Week

    Quote to live by this week, from my friend Clarissa: Sillness is what the doctor ordered I couldn’t agree more! Love Donna.x

  • To Do: Something Fun

    Take a look at your ‘to-do’ list – does it have anything fun on it? Does it have ‘sing at the top of your lungs’ or ‘phone my best friend’ or ‘spin until I’m dizzy’ or ‘dance like a loon’ or ‘laugh til your sides hurt’? No? Didn’t think so. To-do lists are great –…

  • Fun With Your Face

    I came across this site a few weeks ago – – it is SO MUCH FUN! Basically you can put your face in lots of different scenarios – film scenes, celeb poses, and utterly random pictures. Here’s my favourite: Of course, I do look pretty much like that anyway…but with a couple more layers…

  • The Compliment Guys

    I just adored this story. Call me an ole sentimentalist, I don’t care! Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy Take inspiration from them, and compliment everyone you see today! Love Donna.x PS You are looking GREAT! Look at your 100 watt smile – beautiful! xx

  • Friday Fun – The Emu

    An Aussie truckie walks into an outback cafe’ with a full-grown emu behind him. The waitress asks them for their orders. The truckie says, ‘A hamburger, chips and a coke,’ and turns to the emu, ‘What’s yours?’ ‘I’ll have the same,’ says the emu. A short time later the waitress returns with the order ‘That…

  • A Visit to Childhood

    So last week I was asking what would happen if you put your magical child energy in charge of your life. What did happen? Did you put magical child in charge or did you read it, smile gently and get back to being a sensible grown up? To be honest with you, I asked the…