Category: Fun

  • Stuck?

    Check out this video: Next time you think you are stuck in your life, remember this video – you may not be able to see a way out, but there is one…and if you seek it, you will find it! Love Donna.x

  • Friday Fun: The Queen

    ‘Do you think the Queen’s ever pulled up the bedclothes and gone to Philip, “Look, I’m a stamp”?’ – Russell Howard Genius! If I’m ever featured on a stamp, I will! Have a laughter-filled weekend! Love Donna.x

  • Never Mind Susan Boyle

    This gave me a laugh the other night – sadly they didn’t get through to the Britain’s Got Talent final, with Su-Bo, but check out Faces of Disco – it’s a quality act! View the video here Enjoy! Love Donna.x

  • Every Station Should Have This

    LOVE this advert – don’t it make you want to dance at your local station?? I think Hampton-In-Arden station would have fits (very small local station) but I reckon Birmingham New Street would be well up for it! Happy Friday – may your weekend be full of dancing and fun! And just in case you…

  • Friday Fun – Japan Binocular Football

    Oh, this is TOO funny. I was crying with laughter when I watched it. May this 2 and a bit minutes of fun set the tone for a fun and fabulous weekend. Happy Friday! ENJOY!!! Love Donna.x

  • Pick Your Nose

    In the UK tomorrow (Friday) it is Red Nose Day, also known as Comic Relief – one of these fundraising drives for fabulous causes. I have probably mentioned before that it feels good to be generous, it feels good to give to a good cause, it feels good to contribute to worthy charities and it…

  • In Honour of Friday 13th

    As it’s Friday 13th, I decided to look for something fun about this allegedly unlucky day. I’m not normally a big fan of horror flicks – I much prefer laughing to being scared. Anyway, YouTube to the rescue, I found this edited version of a Friday 13th scene…which had me laughing out loud. i will…

  • Smart Ass Comments

    I got this e-mail today, and thought you might like a bit of a Friday chuckle. 1. It was mealtime during an airline flight. ‘Would you like dinner?’ the flight attendant asked John, seated in front. ‘What are my choices?’ John asked. ‘Yes or no,’ she replied. 2. A flight attendant was stationed at the…

  • Feeling Good

    If you knew that nothing was more important than that you felt good, what would change today in your life? Can you make that change, because nothing is more important than that you feel good. This isn’t selfishness – imagine the impact on your husband, children, colleagues and friends if you are feeling good, full…

  • A Marvelous Way to Waste Some Time!

    Now you might think that with the website launch looming, I’d be frantically working on making sure everything is perfect and spending every spare moment thinking about it. Of course, you would be entirely wrong! Partly because my bizniz partner and I are meeting on Friday to go through the admin, so I’ll have the…