Category: Podcast

  • Podcast: Taking a Holiday From Your Big Dream

    We need to give ourselves a rest sometimes from our Big Dreams – they can be all-consuming, and require a lot of sacrifice, so you need time to rest and replenish and re-energise. Often, when we take that time out, we find that there is a rush of creative energy and that time out actually…

  • Podcast: When To Give Up On Your Big Dream

    Sometimes we want to give up on our Big Dreams too early – we get to a point where nothing seems to be changing, and we want to give up on the Dream. But it may not be time to give up on your dream, it may just be time for a ‘Dream Tweak’, it…

  • Podcast: Fears and Your Big Dream

    What fears are lurking in your subconscious mind waiting to trip you up on your way to your Big Dream? If we don’t look at these fears, it’s like navigating an obstacle course with a blindfold on! We will keep bumping into them…but we don’t really know what exactly we’re bumping into – whether it’s…

  • Podcast: Expectations and Your Big Dream

    We sometimes set ourselves unrealistic, unclear and even impossible expectations. Then we end up disappointed, and feeling like a failure – this can critically injure our Big Dream, and put a big dent in our confidence. It can even stop us from pursuing our Big Dreams. Because of unrealistic, unclear and impossible expectations. To listen…

  • Podcast: Creativity and Your Big Dream

    I thought I wasn’t creative for YEARS…then I realised that I was writing…and that’s creative; and I was marketing my business…and that’s creative; and I was using creativity in my coaching conversations; and I was tapping into this immense well of creativity in more and more ways – and realising that not only was I…

  • Podcast: Taking Risks and Your Big Dream

    Your Big Dream lies outside your comfort zone…so do you need to leap out of your comfort zone, take big risks, jump out of the plane?? Or is there another way? I believe so…an easier way, a gentler way. Just nudge the edges of your comfort zone, put a toe outside your comfort zone and…

  • Podcast: Supporting Yourself And Your Big Dream

    How many of us support ourselves fully, 100% of the time? Even when you’re gnarly or grumpy or lazy or procrastinating. Imagine how much easier life would be if you supported yourself 100%. Supporting yourself when you’re doing something ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ is about figuring out what’s behind it all and helping yourself move forward…

  • Podcast: Comparison and Your Big Dream

    Comparing an apple and an orange leaves both apple and orange feeling somehow lacking. And when we compare ourselves to someone else, we seem to pick those people who are 8000 steps ahead of us, people who will really show up our inadequacies! When you see someone else you admire, look at what they are…

  • Podcast: Extreme Self-Care and Your Big Dream

    Your Big Dream requires a lot from you – a lot of your energy and time, and they demand that you are very well cared of. Extreme self-care means going the extra mile for ourselves, taking extremely good care of yourself. Taking care of yourself body, mind, heart and soul, and supporting yourself fully, 100%…

  • Podcast: Your Big Dream and Interruptions

    Sometimes life gets in the way of your journey to your Big Dream. We’ve just had an Easter break, the kids have been off school, maybe you’ve had time off to relax and now you’re trying to get back into the swing of things. I know the feeling. I had 5 days off for Easter,…