Celebrating January

It’s the end of the month…what was GREAT about January? What lovely memories do you have of January? What are you going to celebrate from this month and what celebrations are you going to do?

For me: My celebration is a night out with a friend I havne’t seen in a while tonight; I am celebrating having cleared my christmas credit card debt; I went to a fabulous workshop on Saturday, had a lovely meal out with my dad for his birthday, had some GREAT client sessions that I thoroughly enjoyed; I discovered Apple have been selling lots of copies of my ebook; and my favourite thing about January was enjoying health (really appreciating it instead of taking it for granted) after I’d been ill! I could easily (and will, because it’s fun) expand this to include more lovely memories and things to celebrate.

This is a great way to keep your focus on what’s working in your life, not just what sucked! I could easily answer the questions ‘what sucked about January; what bad memories to I have’ (cold, cashflow after xmas, being poorly) but what does that get me? I feel bad? I can moan and complain. Wooohoo…? Not. Whereas when I focus on what’s good, I can feel good, and realise that life is good and there is much to be thankful for. And from there, move into February feeling good about where this year is going. Instead of beating yourself up for all you haven’t done.

Give yourself the gift today of celebrating your life so far in 2011 – even if you don’t think you have ‘enough’ to celebrate – celebrate what you do have, and I promise you that you will find more and more to celebrate as the year goes on.







2 responses to “Celebrating January”

  1. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Yay! Well done you! Lmao – would love to see a video of you and Ducky dancing. Brilliant start to the year! xxx PS will look at the Coregreen UPrising…

  2. Ande Waggener avatar
    Ande Waggener

    Thank you for this great question, Donna! Well, here are the highlights of my January: was in the vortex more each day than I’ve ever been. I gave up wheat, sugar, and dairy and began dropping more pounds and felt my energy shoot up. I began dancing more, which is a blast (especially with Ducky joining in 😉 ). I launched my Coregreen UPrising (which I’d love for you to take part in if it moves you–the link is in my blog header). I trained Ducky to open a door by pulling on a sock tied to the door knob. 🙂 Thanks for reminding me to celebrate all this!!