So, did you join in with this month’s Daily Practice? Did you lighten up? What did you notice? Do you feel lighter?
So I have noticed more when I am not being light. I have noticed how often I get all serious and sensible and concerned and bothered. I’ve noticed more when I am not being silly and laughing and dancing and playing. So, expect more Daily Practices to come this year that involve being really quite silly!
The other side of the coin is that focusing daily on Lightening Up every day helped me to jump out of those dark moments more quickly. I noticed when I was getting all “gotta do, should do, must do”, and I let it go. I noticed when I was ignoring my inner wisdom whispering (well, it was a really loud stage whisper in the end actually) that I needed time off, and instead of continuing to ignore it, I lightened up and took some time off. Instead of doing the sensible thing and staying sat at my desk working, I messed about and danced a little more. I think I got about 10% lighter and realised I still have maybe 30% to go…so by the summer I should be light as air! 😀
What did you notice?
I want to leave you with this quote – my favourite from the month, and the best advice I think we can all take.
“Life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about.”
Oscar Wilde