So you know I’ve been talking about being slowed down for a while now? First there was that one project that kept getting delayed, then life kept throwing up things that got in the way of me doing anything.
First of all, I’ve finally (mostly) listened. This month’s daily practice is to meditate, so I’ve been making sure I slow myself down and breathe, as well as doing my daily yoga practice to start the day chilled and centered.
The other thing I’ve been doing is listening to the frustration and impatience, and easing the pressure a bit.
When life is getting in the way of something you want to do, it is frustrating, you do get impatient, but there’s usually something you can do.
In my case, I’m on the final proof checks of this project. But I haven’t had much time to give it. And for 2 weeks, it got pushed to the bottom of the list by other tasks that were more urgent.
But last week I decided I was going to do what I could, even if all I could do was check and read one chapter.
Some days that is all I was able to do, some days I read 40 pages. I’m now over halfway through this phase of the project.
Had time been more on my side, I’d be onto the next phase. But it wasn’t. And I have made progress.
So I’m less frustrated, less impatient. Because there’s been forward momentum.
Often, projects get sidelined for months because time runs away with us and we don’t find the time we need.
Because we need days, or hours, so when we only have 10 minutes, that’s just not enough.
But you have to do what you can with what you have. That’s life.
If you don’t have time to get to the gym, have a 10 minute walk or dance to one song.
It’s not as much as you want to do, but it’s better than nothing.
If you don’t have time to write for an hour, write for 10 minutes.
It’s not as much as you want to do, but it’s better than nothing.
And the forward momentum you get by doing something is so valuable, it’s worth more than you think – it eases the pressure, it gives you a little oomph, progress is being made.
We often don’t have the ideal circumstances for doing what we want in life, but if you do what you can with what you have, you’ll keep yourself moving nicely forward.
And if life has been slowing you down but you keep making a little progress anyway, once you’re released you’ll be ideally placed for flying forwards! (At least, this is my hope!)