Do You Listen To The Wisdom In You?

Wisdom in you
You have within you an incredible source of wisdom. Your intuition, your gut, your higher self – whatever you wish to call it. This wisdom is always there. It’s always ready to help you. It’s always speaking to you…but are you listening?

That still, small voice within can be hard to hear when life is noisy, when we have so much going on, when we’re on ‘go’ all the time and never manage to stop and listen for a moment. But listening to the wisdom within you does not take long, and it can be much easier than you think.

Your body, mind, heart and soul are always talking to you, and you can channel your intuition into those aspects of you, which makes it very easy to hear the wisdom. I know that, because over the years I’ve talked with many clients who say they don’t have a finely developed intuition…and yet they can always hear what body, mind, heart and soul are saying to them.

You may wonder if you’re really hearing your body, mind, heart or soul…but if you practice, you’ll find that you get really good at not only hearing the wisdom, but seeing the difference between “my body is saying I need better nutrition/water/to move my body” and “I am a fat, lazy bitch”. The first is your body talking, the second is not.

Your body, mind, heart and soul are unfailingly kind and loving. They do not talk to you as if you’re a naughty child. They do not criticise you. They do not belittle you. They are direct, certainly, even blunt at times…but never in a mean, belittling way. My body will say “notice how you feel an hour after a can of fizzy drink”, not “for God’s sake, stop drinking that sugary shit!” Your body, mind, heart and soul love you and want the best for you, and the inner wisdom knows that criticism isn’t loving or likely to get the best from you.

Body Wisdom

You’re probably already aware of your body speaking to you; you’ve probably heard it speak today “get some water”, “it’s time to eat”, “relax your shoulders”. The body’s most unsubtle messages are quite easy to hear – hunger, thirst, pain, illness, tension. But if you start to listen to your body every day, you will start to hear the more subtle messages too – the messages that come 3 days before the blinding headache for example.

Try it yourself: Take a moment now to close your eyes and scan your body from your feet to your head. What do you notice – are your feet cold, are your legs or buttocks tense (I’m often surprised that my glutes seem to be working hard and engaged when I’m sat on my ass!), is your stomach churning, is your throat tight, is your jaw clenched? Just notice what’s going on in your body. Now ask your body “what message do you have for me right now?” and listen for the answer. If the answer is loud, immediate, bolshie and critical, that’s your thoughts jumping in – move your attention back to your body and listen for the answer from your body.  Give your body a chance to answer – if you’ve never really listened to it before, its voice may be quiet.

Here’s an example from my body:

B3 Body Wisdom - relax tension in your face

Mind Wisdom

What you think of as your mind is probably not the same as my definition of the mind – the mind I am talking about is the awareness behind your thoughts. It’s the part that is calm, and still, and kind. “You suck” thoughts are not coming from the mind I’m talking about. They are just thoughts. The mind is the part that watches those thoughts. It is not excitable or emotional. It observes those thoughts without judgement…it just observes, and its observations are often keen and very accurate.

Try it yourself: Take a moment now to close your eyes and take your attention to the back of your brain – behind the thoughts.  Take a few breaths to calm your thoughts and ask you mind “what message do you have for me right now?” and patiently listen for the answer. If the answer is loud, immediate, bolshie and critical, that’s your thoughts jumping in again – move your attention back behind those thoughts and listen for the answer from your mind.  Again, give your mind a chance to answer – if you’ve never really listened to it before, its voice may be quiet and your mind may surprised it’s being recognised and asked!

Here’s an example from my mind:

M2 Mind Wisdom - focus on joy

Heart Wisdom

You may have experienced some of the messages of the heart – some hurt, and pain, and love and joy. The leaping heart, the broken heart, the closed heart – most of us have experienced those experiences of the heart, but again, there are deeper messages to be heard. The heart more than anything wants you to love your life and yourself first. The heart is always whispering to you – and my experience of heart messages is that they are usually short, sweet and always so very loving.

Try it yourself: Take a moment now to close your eyes and take your attention to the centre of your chest.  Take 3 deep breaths into your heart centre.   Now, keeping your attention in your heart ask “what message do you have for me right now?” and listen for the answer. If the answer is loud, immediate, bolshie and critical, that’s your thoughts jumping in again – move your attention back to your heart and listen for the answer from your heart.  Give your heart a chance to answer – if you’ve never really listened to it before, its voice may be quiet.  And sometimes we are tempted to jump away from listening to our heart because we fear opening a can of worms.  From my heart to yours “your heart only wants love for you – if there is hurt it will ask you to let it go, not hold it in”.

Here’s an example from my heart:

H1 Heart Wisdom - the most loving thing

Soul Wisdom

Your soul is, I believe, the eternal part of you, the part that lives on and is intimately connected to source.  Whatever you believe, you can talk to your soul.  Your soul has probably been talking to you during your life.  It’s that voice that encourages you to grow and go and do and believe.  It’s the voice that whispers your dreams in your ear to make sure you remember them.  It’s the voice that won’t let you settle for less than a life of joy…for that reason, many people have shut their ears to the soul, which is a huge shame because not only will soul give you a destination, it will also give you direction…if you listen.

Try it yourself:  Take 3 deep breaths to relax yourself a little.   Imagine your soul standing in front of you in whatever way works for you – a body, a flame, a light (my soul is me-shaped, only the most joyous, dancy, laughing, light version of me) and ask “what message do you have for me right now?” and listen for the answer. If the answer is loud, immediate, bolshie and critical, that’s your thoughts jumping in again – move your attention back to your vision of your soul and listen for the answer from your soul.  Give your soul a chance to answer – if you’ve shut your ears to the voice of your soul, it can be quiet…just a whisper.

Here’s an example from my soul:

S1 Soul Wisdom follow the thread of inspiration

You may have noticed that I used the warning about  thoughts  jumping in and impersonating the voices of your body, mind, heart and soul every time – it’s important to remember and to be aware of this possibility, especially in the beginning.  In time, you’ll recognise the ‘voices’ of your body, mind, heart and soul so you’ll know instantly when thoughts are trying to take over.  (by the way, your thoughts are not evil, they’re actually trying to help…but let them go and refocus on your wisdom)

So, what did your body, mind, heart and soul have to say to you today?  I’d love to know – leave me a comment below.

I do this exercise every day – I check in with my body, mind, heart and soul to see what wisdom they are sharing with me…and the ones that are universal, inspirational, particularly powerful, or I know someone else also needs to hear, I share over on my facebook page.  I’ve also created a fun video with all the guidance I’ve had that you can use like an oracle card picker – find it on Facebook here. Be sure to let me know what guidance you get! You may also want to check in regularly with your body, mind, heart and soul…after all they are always there with their wisdom, it seems a shame not to pay attention!

Your body, mind, heart and soul are always speaking to you.  All you need to do is tune in and listen.

From my heart and soul to yours.



Need more help to listen to your Body, Mind, Heart and Soul?

Check out this free audio course…



