Don’t Forget Your Sunscreen

There are some days when nothing you do goes right.

There are some days when you can’t be bothered to do anything.

There are some days when you know there is no point working from the rubbish place you’re in.

There are some days when the only sensible thing to do is sit in the garden with your book and enjoy the sunshine.

On those days, don’t forget your sunscreen.


Donna (the one with GLOWING shoulders – i thought I was sat in the shade!)






3 responses to “Don’t Forget Your Sunscreen”

  1. Donna avatar

    Yep, ‘trashy novel time’ is the perfect name for it!!! You’re welcome Robin – glad to be of service!

    Thanks Michelle – it’s RUBBISH isn’t it?! Thanks…those cooling vibes are really helping! xx

  2. Michelle S avatar
    Michelle S

    You have all my sympathy! I’m fair-skinned and burn very easily… and I SO hate being sunburned. Sending lots of cool, soothing vibes to your shoulders…

  3. Robinbamybass avatar

    When nothing is going right, I call it “trashy novel time”.

    I enjoyed this blog, and I appreciate your quick reply to my questions. Your thoughts are helping me start my daily path, in a better frame of mind.

