Drop The Pressure

Do you ever find yourself getting incredibly grouchy? Irritable? Impatient? Even evil? A short fuse is a key indicator of stress, but we often blame the weather, tiredness, PMT, and sometimes miss the fact that actually, we are under a lot of pressure. All too often, this pressure is entirely self-inflicted – the only person expecting the moon on a stick from you, is you!

For example, my friend has been to the doctors to ask for help for her PMT before she kills someone. The doctor prescribed…relieving some pressure. My friend is putting an incredible amount of pressure on herself to be perfect…and the pressure is telling. Imagine an old steam kettle – once the steam builds up, the kettle starts shrieking! She’s not alone in not realising that she is putting herself under a lot of strain.

Only a few weeks ago I was getting myself into a terrible tizz – I have a lot on my to do list for my business – there are all sorts of plates spinning, projects in progress and directions in which to go. And of course, if I were Captain Perfect, I’d be progressing every project daily. No one else is asking me to do so. It’s all me. I thought that I was superhuman. I was wrong. Sigh. No special powers or anything. Dammit.

Once I realised that actually, I am making progress, I could relax and continue on without the lead weight I had put on myself. What about you? Where are you putting yourself under pressure? It could be with your appearance, your career, your finances, your relationships, your health. Check in with your life. Where are you feeling the pressure to be thinner, richer, more successful, more popular, healthier, busier, more perfect?

Whose expectations are you trying to live up to? Are you adding pressure to yourself? Imagine if you cut yourself a break…how much easier would that be? And there is a possibility that when you relax your iron grip on the situation, achieving what you want will become easier…





