Here in the UK, it has turned decidedly autumnal.
Well, actually it’s been decidedly autumnal for a few weeks.
But now I have less hope that summer will reassert itself, so I’m preparing for the inevitable coming of winter.
I have always hated winter – I thought I suffered from SAD, but it’s actually CAD (not the official title as far as I know) – Cold Affective Disorder.
Over the last 2 years, I’ve done my best to embrace the good things about winter – roaring fires, early nights, curling up with a book etc.
In 2019 an MS relapse helped with this – I had no energy to do anything but cocoon from August onwards.
In 2020 corona-pocalypse helped with it – I couldn’t go anywhere even if I wanted to.
This year, I have decided to embrace the concept of hygge from now until spring.
Hygge – creating a cozy atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life.
I was listening to a podcast the other day with a Dane and he was astonished that Brits and Americans called a day on the sofa with junk food “a lazy day” like it was a bad thing.
In Denmark, this would be Hygge, it would be celebrated, and apparently, there would be more cake!
I like it.
So, if it’s not so warm where you are, why not embrace the concept of Hygge?
And if it’s very warm where you are, do not worry – the Visit Denmark website assures me that you can hygge all year round.
PS there is a hygge and happiness tour (adds to must-do list)

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