Hasn’t 2020 been a mad year so far? Fire, flood, pestilience, murder hornets, protests for social change sweeping the world…goodness me it’s been busy!
And it’s only June.
In all honesty, I daren’t think ahead to what might happen next!
The year as a whole has taught me to make sure my energetic self-care is taken care of.
It’s not something I’ve ever been so aware of or focused on.
In years gone by when I did onsite massage, I used to clear the space I worked in (asked angels to fill it with light), protect myself (surround myself with a bubble of light), and carry quartz crystals to help protect my energy.
Occasionally if I was aware of some serious negative energy clinging to me, or I vaguely intuited I needed clearing, I’d do a little clearing work (dissolving cords with Archangel Michael, being vacuumed or hosed down by my Divine team).
Generally in my life, I did yoga at least weekly, I meditated now and again, I took a vague interest in energetic clearing tools, I got outside for walks often.
But I never made energetic self-care a prioirty.
I never made it part of my daily life.
It was one of those things that I’d think regularly “I should do that more often”, but i never did.
Enter 2020.
The bush fires in Australia, and an Australian Facebook friend who is an energy healer talked lots about clearing energy and energetic work.
I read with interest and thought to myself “I should do more of that myself”.
Floods in the UK and I thought “Gosh the world is a mad place right now, (little did I know!) I need to do more energetic self-care” (didn’t actually do it though).
The Virus arrived, lockdown began, and finally my own energy was sufficiently affected for the message to sink in “I need to do energetic self-care”.
Even though I was barely seeing a soul other than family and neighbours, I was picking up so much energetic ick from news and social media and text messages and phone-calls that if I didn’t do the energetic self-care, I suffered for it.
In the intervening months, that energetic self-care has gone from a thing I do when I remember, to a daily (often several times daily) habit.
In fact, I am writing this outside in my garden with my feet in the grass.
Because the energy of the world has been so heightened – the fear and stress and worry and anger and confusion have been so strong – it’s made energetic self-care an essential instead of a nice add-on.
In all honesty, it’s been essential long before now, but this year has been the catalyst for me to really get it.
So how’s your energetic self-care? Do you do anything to clear your energy?
Or are you wondering what the hell I’m on about?
Many of us pay zero attention to our energetics – indeed sometimes we’re turned off by terms like aura or chakras or subtle body.
But even if you don’t like or understand those words and concepts, we do all have an energetic field.
You feel it when you have been with negative people for a time – that heavy energy that seems to drain you.
You feel it when you do something that feeds your energetic system – something joyful or sacred.
When I started doing energetic self-care, I didn’t know much about auras or chakras or subtle bodies.
I just knew that if I asked the angels to fill my space with light, it felt better (and other people noticed).
I knew that if I put a protective bubble around myself before getting to work, I would feel less drained at the end of the day.
I knew that if I carried the crystals in my pocket (or shoved in my bra!), I felt better than if I didn’t carry them.
So even if you don’t understand or care for the words used around energetic self-care, try some of the things and see if you feel better for it.
Energetic self-care doesn’t have to take long, and often you can do it while doing other things
- put your feet in the grass while having lunch, writing an article or chatting to a friend;
- while you’re in the shower, ask your divine team to also wash away any energetic ick you have picked up.
More ideas:
- Meditate on a shower of divine light;
- ground yourself;
- use crystals
- use aromatherapy;
- ask for protection from your angels or Divine team;
- dissolve the cords with Archangel Michael (and ask your angels to get the knives out of your back);
- get out in nature for a walk;
- get your feet in the grass
- clear your chakras;
- get reiki or acupuncture (if you can right now);
- laugh;
- dance;
- burn sage;
- hug a tree;
- breathe in love and joy and peace.
Try something(s) and see if you feel any better.
I know I do.
And for those of you who do a bit of energetic self-care, do more!
These are crazy-ass times, and we need to be caring for ALL of ourselves – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually AND energetically.
I’d love to know what you do to take care of you energetically, and if you’d like more info on caring for ALL of you, there’s a self-care series up in my group on facebook with videos on each aspect and a list of ideas for each too.
And if you need some help getting your self-care into place, get in touch – conversations about self-care are my favourite (clients will attest to this, I’m always on about it!).
We’ll have a coaching session (on me) and get you sorted, caring for yourself and feeling good!