February Special Offer

Photo: acrylicartist on morguefile
February can be a ‘blah’ month – winter has dragged on forever, it’s still cold, dark and in the UK right now snowy. Yuck. Your New Year’s Resolutions have fallen by the wayside, and this year is looking to be just the same as last year. But it doesn’t have to stay that way! You can change it.

And to help you do so, I present my February Special Offer: 4 coaching sessions for the price of 3. £172.50 for 4 coaching sessions (to be taken within 8 weeks of booking). What are you waiting for? Get in touch right now to arrange a chat to check it’s for you or to nab one of the places, which of course are limited as this offer was announced to my newsletter list last week. I look forward to working with you!





