Feel The Love

 Do you have any idea how loved you are? Do you have any idea of the depth of love you are capable of? Most of us are not aware of either – we are constantly seeking love in entirely the wrong places! We expect other people to ‘make us feel loved’…but actually all other people do is open our heart to love – the love that is already within you.

And then when they go away, we close that door up again and believe that they took the love away with them. That would be like your schoolteacher taking away your intelligence when you left school. The love is already within you – no one can give it to you, and more importantly, no one can take it away from you. Other people can and do help us to open our hearts (as can animals, sunsets, music, poetry, literature, films) but to give them the power to close our hearts is to deny who we really are.

If you want to access the love, try this exercise. Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths into your heart. Now feel the love you feel for yourself, now feel the love you feel for your family, your friends, your pets, now feel the love you feel for your neighbourhood. Now feel the love you feel for your country, now feel the love you feel for the world, now expand that love to encompass the whole universe (that’s the love you are capable of – wow!)

Now reverse the flow – feel the love the universe has for you, the world has for you, your country, your neighbourhood, your friends and family and pets have for you, the love that you have for you. This is how loved you are! If you really want to feel the love, do this EVERY DAY and feel how the love expands as you are opening up more and more to love. There is an ocean of love just waiting for you to tap into it.

Love (feel that?)



