Back in April, I did a Facebook Live Video Series around Corona-pocalypse. In one of the videos, I asked:
- What have you struggled with in the first few weeks of this crisis?
- What can you do to fix that issue or make it better?
It’s really important right now to be taking responsibility for how we’re feeling and how we’re doing.
While also, of course, being kind to ourselves.
For example: I’ve been slightly bouncing off the walls (to my surprise as I’m an introvert who normally works at home).
My potential solutions are: going for a walk every day, talking to friends more often and being physically active to use the extra energy I obviously have right now.
I’ve been walking more, and that alone has made a huge difference, so I haven’t needed the other solutions yet…they’re in reserve ready to be deployed as needed.
It’s a great habit to get into – find what’s wrong, and fix it.
It’s not always easy.
There’s no quick fix for anxiety, depression, panic, loneliness etc.
But there are things that can help make it better.
For example, corona-pocalypse has made me anxious. I haven’t fixed my levels of anxiety.
But they’re manageable now, and as time goes by I’ll keep working my tools for anxiety (breath, energy management, input management, perspective*) and I’ll keep finding new ways to make it better.
Many people simply accept whatever is going on in their life – life happens to them.
I’m not one of those people.
I know that I am in charge of my life and how I feel.
I know that I have a lot more choice than I always exercise over how my life goes.
I know that step one is figuring out what’s not working and step two is moving towards fixing it.
Because many things don’t have quick, easy fixes, it can feel easier to just leave it.
But suffering needlessly is never the easiest path.
And a mere 1% change to a bad situation can make it feel so much better.
You don’t have to move mountains or change everything.
You can just make a little change, a minor tweak.
And then another.
And before you know it, BOOM – the situation is resolved.
It’s like magic.
I’d love to hear what your biggest issue has been with lockdown and your ideas for making it better.
And if you’re overwhelmed by the situation and need help finding some solutions, let’s get on Skype or Zoom and talk it through. Just contact me with “I’m overwhelmed” and we’ll get something sorted.
*Anxiety makes you breath more shallowly, so deep breathing really helps reset your nervous system; energy management for me is releasing energy that’s not mine – empaths pick up other people’s energy so they need to manage their energy; input management = less social media and news; educating myself to get things in perspective helps me to not panic as much.

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