Finish the Year with a HOORAH!

After a week back at work, I am still not really back into the swing of things! I’m still a bit slow, laid-back and relaxed about ‘getting stuff done’! It’ll still be there tomorrow. To be honest, the changing weather patterns and daylight also encourage me to chill out a bit too – I’m convinced I was a bear in a previous life and would just sleep the winter away quite happily.

Despite this, I do have some goals I want to achieve by the end of the year…which is rushing up to us with alarming speed! And to help you, if you also want to finish the year with a flourish, I have a special offer for you – 3xcoaching sessions before the end of the year for £150 (saving £30). I only have room in my diary for 4 people to do this, and one of those spaces has already gone (before I even announced it to ‘the public’, which was fun!). So, if you want some coaching to help you make the most of the rest of the year, get in touch with what you really want from life ready for next year, learn how to dance with the energy of life and where your energy is pointing you, or just get some support to finish 2010 with a HOORAH! Get in touch – simply contact me to find out more and snap up one of those spaces!

– Finish the Year with a Hoorah! –

Can you feel the year winding down already? The nights are getting darker, the weather’s getting worse and the inevitable Christmas frenzy is taking over everyone’s lives. Although I’m a big advocate of following the energy, and at the end of a year, the energy is saying to me ‘hibernation’, I also believe very strongly that this time of year is a great time to begin to reflect and to make decisions and changes which make your life better ready for 2011. It makes me laugh that at this time of year, people start talking about next year’s new year’s resolutions! There’s 6 weeks left til the end of the year – why not start making some of those changes now?

Ok, the last thing you want to do in the party season is give up alcohol and cake, but there are other changes that can be made to achieve the same ends. Let’s say your goal is to feel fabulous about your body – why not take the next 6 weeks to put in place the habit of looking in the mirror and saying to yourself “You look gorgeous!” No giving up of anything, it’s really easy, and you will sparkle at all those parties! Or, you could start doing star jumps, sit ups and push ups in the ad breaks of your favourite tv shows. I know someone who started doing this, and she really noticed the difference in the first week (she watches quite a bit of tv!)

6 weeks is a good amount of time to make some changes in your life. It’s a good amount of time to make a start, make a plan, start digging into the energy of your life and finding out what’s here for you. And if you are feeling a bit down about the fact that yet another year has passed without achieving the things you want, why not figure out what you could do easily in 6 weeks and do that? Rather than allow the year to peter out, shake it up and make it dance!

Now, as I’ve said, I am pretty much in hibernation mode so that does need to be taken into account when I’m considering how I will end the year with a flourish. Pretty much anything that cannot be done indoors and wrapped in several duvets is out. So I won’t be taking up mountain climbing, running or cycling before the end of the year. There are a few business things I’ve got up my sleeve – new websites, website updates, a new product for the new year that I’ll be telling you more about in a couple of weeks. I also have a few personal intentions – make meditating a daily habit (in winter, this is EASY, sitting still wrapped in a blanket – gorgeous!), going swimming 3 times a week, a bit of clutter clearing, laughing even more (which is always an intention at every time of year) and more.

Will I accomplish everything I want to this year? Probably not – I have a strange notion about how much one can fit into a day – I’m always astonished to find it’s 5 in the afternoon. But that doesn’t matter. There’s a cliche in sport that it’s the taking part that counts. That saying works for life too. Take part in your life – even though it’s the end of the year, even though it’s dark and cold and SAD, even though it’s easier to say ‘I’ll do it next year’. What would you like to change? And what could you do in 6 weeks to start bringing about that change? Let me qualify this a little more: what would bring more joy into your life? And what could you do in the next 6 weeks to make your life more enjoyable? Go, do it and finish 2010 with a HOORAH!

– Something to Play With –

What are you going to do in the final 6 weeks of 2010 to finish the year with a Hoorah? What can bring more fun, more joy, more love, more laughter into your life in the next 6 weeks? And of course, if I can help you finish the year with a flourish, snap up one of those 3 coaching spots before they’re gone! Want to share your thoughts on this article? Leave me a comment below.








4 responses to “Finish the Year with a HOORAH!”

  1. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Lol – I will clear a bit space before I start!! xx

  2. Karen J avatar

    Woo-hoo hula hoop! Just be careful of the chocthkes on the coffee table!

  3. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Lol – yes, ad break exercise is the best! I’m getting a hula hoop for christmas so I can hula for a few minutes every ad break – I’m gonna have abs of steel! Lol. xxx

  4. Karen Johannessen avatar
    Karen Johannessen

    Oh, Yeah! Let’s hear it for “ad-break exercizing”!

    If one’s ever done (or witnessed) Physical Therapy – in hospital, after an accident, in a Care Facility, even, you can remember the results of incremental increases: “5 reps at a time” or an extra walk to the nurse’s station. Last week it was tough to walk “that far” ~ this week, you’re able to do laps! Next week, you can go home! Yay!

    That’s an extreme example, but the principle is exactly what you’re talking about – “Even a tiny little bit more than you’ve *been* doing, will get more done!”
    And exercize doesn’t *have to be* boring ol’ calisthenics – just stand up and dance to that catchy commercial jingle! No matter what they’re advertising! (The Zumba folks are making a fortune selling Dance-as-Exercize!)

    I’m off to do my own Increments –

    Love and Bright (Warm!) Blessings from (+1C – brrrrrr!) Chicago ~
    Karen J