Flow Like Water

Photo credit: Zitiboat on Morguefile
When was the last time you saw water trying to run uphill? When did you last see water ignoring the easy channel of using the river bed to get to the sea and trying to go in a different direction? Water always takes the path of least resistance, it flows through turbulent times and calm times, it inexorably continues its journey and doesn’t take offence when the ground disappears beneath it – it just falls and moves on. An obstacle appears, and water finds a way round it, through it, over it, under it.

Do you flow like water? Or do you try to move against the current, against the energy? Or do you find the flow of life, and relax into it. Do you meet obstacles with despair or a sense of purpose, knowing that you will prevail and find a way. Do you panic when the ground goes from beneath your feet, or do you fall and carry on? Water does it all so effortlessly, so easily. And you can too. Learn to find the flow in life – here’s a top tip, if something feels difficult, you’re probably trying to flow uphill so stop a moment and look for where the ease is, where the energy is calling you, what is in front of you to be done.

Relax, enjoy the journey, go with the flow, have fun in turbulent waters and in calm waters, knowing that both will take you where you’re going…and the turbulent times might just get you there faster, even if you are a bit battered when you get there! When you meet an obstacle, know that you are unstoppable. Like water, you will find a way – over, under, round or through. Find your flow and let it be that easy.




