This article was written back in May…but as so often happens, it’s just as relevant now!
How’s it going?
How are you doing?
Are you calm, relaxed, dancing easily with life even though the music is new and different?
Or are you in a heightened state of alarm and stress, wondering what the actual fuck is going on and worried for the state of the world?
Or of course, you might be somewhere in between.
Or veering wildly between the two.
Over the past weeks, I’ve been moving steadily towards calm and relaxed.
Last week, after watching the news, I moved quickly towards WTAF.
I discussed the latest and read and gathered opinion (and laughed at some of the memes) and got myself into a lather.
Ordinarily, when I get into a lather about stuff I can do nothing about, I fall back on the old stalwart “Not my circus, not my clowns”.
A favourite of mine, because for an awful lot of the things we get into a pither about, it’s none of our business.
Sadly though, I am a part of Circus UK Plc. It is my circus.
However, me getting into a state of stress and anxiety does nothing to affect policy in UK government.
No matter how annoyed I get, the UK government will continue to do whatever they will do.
And I will be worse off because I am angry, stressed, stunned, confused, appalled…and all the other things we might feel at the actions of government.
So I reminded myself of another old friend today:
“It’s not in my boat.”
I got this from an Olympic rower many years ago.
They were asked about all sorts of things – from the weather to the other rowers; from the course to the politics in the sport.
Anything that wasn’t about them, their mindset, or their boat, they said “It’s not in my boat”.
In other words “I do not worry about things not in my direct control”.
And right now, I feel like this is excellent advice.
There is so much going on in the world right now that we cannot control – from government decisions to invisible health threats to people interpreting the rules differently to how we heard them.
So focus on what’s in your boat, what’s under your direct control.
You can control what you focus on; how much opinion you ingest; how you take care of your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, energetic health; how you feel and what you do.
Don’t drive yourself insane trying to make other people live as you think they should.
Live your life.
Paddle your own canoe.
By all means, notice what is going on, and if you are in a position to influence (either now or come election time), do so.
By all means, find the helpers and join them if you feel moved to do so.
By all means, channel your feelings into positive action if that’s what’s calling you.
But ranting about the incompetence of utter fools will do nothing but raise your blood pressure.
So, I shall trust the other voices in politics and journalism to call out blithering idiocy and return my attention to my boat.
In which, today, I am playing 90’s music and kicking back, chillin.
If you need help to get your attention back in your boat, get in touch for a free coaching session on this – it’s such a valuable skill to master. Just contact me with “Oh no, I’ve left my oar in their boat” in the subject line and we’ll make it happen.

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