Give Yourself a Christmas Gift

Last year I had a brilliant idea to ask a client to write a list of all the things they have done this year to be proud of, all the fun moments they’ve had, all the moments of joy they can remember, their highlights of the year. Then seal this list in an envelope and open it on christmas day. I did it myself too, and it turned out to be one of my favourite presents!

What a lovely present to yourself, to remind yourself of just how wonderful life is, and has been all year, and how great you are! (Instead of how much you suck and all the rubbish things that happened this year!) So, this weekend, if you’ve got a few minutes to spare, dash off a list of joyful moments, things you’re proud of and have achieved, and give yourself a Christmas gift you will love on Christmas morning!


PS i suggest 100 things, but 20 will work too! Go…do, I’m off to do mine…





One response to “Give Yourself a Christmas Gift”

  1. Roof Helmet  avatar
    Roof Helmet 

    my favorite christmas gift is none other than a kiss and a hug,;`