Guest Post: Falling Deep In Love With MY Life by Clarissa Wilson

To celebrate the release of my new book, Fall In Love With Life, I have invited a few friends to share their experiences and tips for falling in love with life. Today, I welcome Clarissa Wilson – psychic, intuitive, empath and energy healer. Here’s her story:

I felt like I was in a nightmare. I woke up on a Friday morning. I no longer had to go to work. Even though I hated that job, I ignored all the messages my intuition had told me about getting out of there, I needed to work. I needed to earn money. I needed to pay my bills. I needed to find a place to live.

I had just lost my second job in 4 years. I had been struggling with everything since I lost that first job. I had just lost my apartment to a fire and was now technically homeless, even though my parents took me in. So I had no job and no home of my own. What was I really to do?

I could wallow in my own self-pity.

I could let my depression take over again.

I could just sleep all day and night and completely ignore the world.

I could spend all day on social media and just waste my life away.

I mean, it’s not like I had anywhere to be or go.

OR I could take life by the horns, listen to my heart and soul and dive into what this life really had to offer me. Do exactly what the universe had been pushing me to do ALL along, but I ignored it all.

So the day after I lost this job, just 3 weeks after losing my home to a fire, I made the decision to be completely happy and love myself and just loving life would fall into place. I had hated that job the whole two years that I worked there. I wasn’t treated as an equal. I was treated as a woman who was a slave to a man because he didn’t believe in equal treatment of women in the workplace. I was miserable. But I also ignored my intuition when it told me to leave.

Now I was finally done with this place! And even though I had lost my job, I was happy to be unemployed. The universe was doing some major work on me and priming me for everything that was to come, whether I actually listened or not. But it was my time to listen.

Clarissa Wilson FILWL tipI listened to the universe with my heart and soul. I spent a lot of time outdoors taking in the sounds, smells and being of nature. I replenished my soul. I healed my wounds. I fell in love with myself. And this made me fall in love with my life.

For 27 years, I didn’t know what loving yourself and loving life actually meant, until the day it happened for me. And on that day, it was like I had emerged from the tunnel and all I could see was light. Everything started to make even more sense. Everything that had been brought to me as puzzle pieces, finally fit fully in the puzzle. You know that feeling when you are putting a jigsaw puzzle together and you finally see the picture once you have it together? That pure bliss and excitement, you did it?! That’s how it all was right here for me. The puzzle was together and I could see the full picture.

I loved myself. I loved my life. And the only way for me to move forward was to keep on loving myself, this life and just listening to the universe.

We all have lessons in this life to learn. The universe brings them to us, but it’s up to us to learn them when we are really ready for it. And it may have taken me several years to get there, but I learned those lessons and became the person I really want to be.

I am free. I am love. I love myself. And I love this life!

All it takes is one simple decision. You can fight and kick and scream all you want. But once you make that decision to just love life, it all just falls into place perfectly.

Clarissa WilsonClarissa is a psychic, intuitive, empath and energy healer. She is now following the divine path the universe has created for her and falling in love with life was the first step of many on that path. You can find her at

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