If You Can’t Think Of Anything Nice to Say, You’re Not Trying Hard Enough

You will probably have heard the saying “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”. But all that means is that you have a lot of ‘not-nice’ things unsaid. So I’d like to challenge you now – think of someone that you have nothing nice to say about…and try harder to find something nice to say!

Find their good points, compliment them, appreciate them, big them up to other people. Not only is this more fun than gossiping and running people down, it’s quite amazing what happens when you start being nice. You get back what you give out, so you will find over time that people are more complimentary about you too. Also, people tend to live up (or down) to your expectations of them so expecting the best from them brings out the best. And lastly, when you are looking for the good in people, you find that they are a sparkling diamond.


PS I’ve always liked you, you have excellent taste in blogs! xx


