This week I am preparing for a taster workshop I am running called “Creating an Inspiring Business Vision”. I admit to being a bit scared. Something new is always scary. As part of my preparations I’m creating a handout of ways to access your inner wisdom. How do you access your inner wisdom?
Do you even listen to your inner wisdom, your intuition, your soul’s voice, the still small voice within? Or do you acknowledge after the fact ‘I had a gut feeling things would work out like that and I ignored it!’ I would love to hear how you access your inner wisdom – please leave a comment for me below or pop over to my facebook page and leave a comment there. I’ll be sharing all the ideas I collect on my blog next week.
– Intuitively –
In these days of logic and science, intelligence and rational thought are prized highly. However, the voice of reason is not always right. You know what I mean – think of those times when your intuition (or gut feeling) was shouting ‘NO!’ and you still went ahead and did that thing…and your intuitive feeling was proved absolutely RIGHT. Whether we choose to accept it or not, we are highly instinctive beings – it is part of our defence and survival mechanism. And yet we don’t use these wonderful gifts.
I have done many things in my career and business life that are based purely on intuition – leaving a job I hated to start my business was one of them. My intuition has yet to be proved wrong in this area – often things don’t work out quite as I expected, but there was always a good reason to follow my intuitive nudges. I have also made many decisions based on the ‘voice of reason’, which has yet to be proved right! It is a scary thing to make decisions based on intuition because you don’t have the back up of a ‘pro’s list’ – you just ‘know’.
For some reason, this isn’t enough for our rational western world. But think about it – has rational thought ever got us anywhere joyful, passionate and wonderful? Not for me it hasn’t. It’s usually sensible, understandable, and spirit-killingly painful! It might ‘make sense’ on one level, and yet most of the decisions I make on ‘rationality’ are nonsensical when it comes to what is best for my soul, for my joy, for my life.
That’s what intuition does so well, it cares for your soul. It might be a bit scary when you are used to making logical, rational, sensible decisions, but when you put it in terms of soul, joy, life, it’s worth facing that fear. Stop crushing your soul by making rational decisions, and start putting your intuition to work to set your spirit free, and live – the way you were born to live, joyfully, freely, passionately, purposefully. Logic can’t help you there, but intuitively, you already know what to do. Are you listening?
– Something to Play With –
How often do you listen to your intuition? Daily, weekly, monthly? Is your intuition drowned out by the worry thoughts? This week start listening to that intuition, and take a small, easy action to follow where it leads. And don’t forget, if you’re struggling to hear the voice of your intuition, I’ll be blogging all the techniques that you guys share with me, and all the ones I use next week. Keep an eye on the blog, and I will share a link to the post next week just in case you miss it. Want to share your thoughts on this article? Leave me a comment below, or pop over to my facebook page and leave a comment there.