But what if ‘Champagne Moments’ could be nominated for the most ordinary things? What if the ‘Champagne Moment’ was something quite commonplace? I think ‘Champagne Moments’ should be every day – joy lives in each moment, however mundane and routine! There are many joyous moments in a day, but too often we miss them because we think that joyous, ‘Champagne Moments’ should be reserved for the breath-taking and dazzling times in life. But why? This is the equivalent of keeping a favourite outfit ‘for best’ and never wearing it.
Not only should you wear those favourite outfits as often as possible, you need to notice, acknowledge and enjoy the humdrum and routine things that you love…and make them into ‘Champagne Moments’. For example, over the past few days, my ‘Champagne Moment’ nominations would be: Finding a packet of sweets in the shop (the perfect sweets to soothe my poorly throat – HAZAH!); sitting on the swing seat in the sun with my book in hand (BLISS!); hearing a mixed tape on my MP3 shuffle that took me back 20 years (ye gods is it that long?!) and left me dancing madly round the office with a big smile on my face.
‘Ordinary’, fun moments of joy in every day life. Rather than wait for the stupendous things to celebrate, why not make the ordinary magnificent? Celebrate the stand out moments of your life, even when those moments are commonplace, ‘boring’, unremarkable to anyone else. To me, finding the sweets, reading the book and hearing that tape were all moments of joy and wonder that deserved to be nominated for the champagne moment of the day. So this month’s daily practice is EVERY DAY to nominate a champagne moment…no matter how boring and uninteresting the day has been, find something in it to celebrate and enjoy.
You don’t have to drink champagne every day…I’m not trying to turn you into a raging alcoholic! Just notice a special moment in your day and nominate it as your ‘Champagne Moment’. And if you’d like to share your ‘Champagne Moment’, come and post it on the Donnaonthebeach facebook page. Let me know if you are planning to join in and what your ‘Champagne Moment’ of the last 24 hours is.
May you enjoy and celebrate all of the moments of your life! (Especially for June)
2 responses to “June Daily Practice: Champagne Moments”
Fabulous – will have to check out that video Heather, it is such an important thing to make a habit of! Do come over to the Donnaonthebeach facebook page and share some of your champagne moments! x
What a fabulous idea. I did a video blog this week on celebration and the need to bring it into our lives regularly and this is a great way to do this and as you say it doesn’t have to be the outstanding stuff, the big stuff, it can be those small things that are so special to us.