Just Take the First Step

I am supposed to be doing my tax return today – it’s 20 past 2 and I still haven’t started! Now I could use this as a stick to beat myself up about procrastinating and being rubbish (this should have been done months ago, blah, blah, blah) but really, what’s the point in that? Instead I’ve been looking at my reluctance with curiosity.

What’s stopping me? It’s not a difficult taks – all the scut work has been done, it’s just a matter of checking figures, and entering them in the tax website. Easy. So what’s stopping me? Simply that I don’t know where the file is! Seriously. That one little mini thing is the ‘obstacle’. I laughed aloud when I realised this, because finding the file was pretty easy (I just looked to my right, and there it was).

Now I’m good to go, and there’s no more obstacle (well, except finishing this!). You know, sometimes it is really that easy. It’s not that we’re lazy, or ‘bad’, or wrong, or that we need a good boot up the arse. We just need to find the file. So next time you have something you appear to be putting off, ask yourself what is the first step and do that. Once you’re moving, it’s easier to stay moving (basic law of physics!) and before you know it, that first step, next step approach will have you finished!

Right, I’m off to do my tax return…and I must think of a reward for myself for doing it (finally – lol!) – any ideas?







3 responses to “Just Take the First Step”

  1. Sandra avatar

    That’s what I would say too, some hot chocholate after the work :))

    xoxo Sandra

  2. Donna avatar

    Mmm. That sounds like a plan! I’ll keep that as a reward for another task completed – I went to the pictures to celebrate my tax return. x

  3. Alexis avatar

    Green and Black’s chocolate ice cream with raspberries.