love yourself even though

Love yourself even though…

Happy Valentine’s Day! It’s the perfect day to talk about love…

But you know me, I’m far more interested in SELF-LOVE. Because self-love doesn’t depend on the moods, whims and actions of someone else.

While it is wonderful to be loved by your partner, your friends, your family, the more you love yourself, the more loved you’ll feel, the more confident you’ll feel, the happier you’ll feel – and it’s not dependant on anyone else but you.

But so many of us don’t feel deserving of love, even from ourselves. Because love is only bestowed when we’re good, right?


Think about someone you love with all your heart – don’t you love them even when they have a bad day, fail, are grumpy, don’t do what they said they would? Because love is not conditional. Love is love.

You don’t have to be perfect to deserve love. You are loveable, just as you are. So stop withholding love from yourself. Love yourself even when you are not perfect. Love yourself even when you’ve messed up. Love yourself even when you’re not superwoman.

Love yourself no matter what.

I check in daily with my body mind heart and soul, and over the last few days, my heart has often told me to love myself even though…whatever I’d been criticising myself for. So this Valentine’s Day, love yourself even though you’re not perfect or superwoman or you’ve messed up.

Love yourself even though you haven’t done your yearly planning yet (and it’s mid Feb!)

Love yourself even though you’re irrationally scared of the dentist (and tooth cleaning in particular)

Love yourself even though lately you don’t want to get out of bed in the morning.

Love yourself even though you haven’t journalled for a few weeks.

Love yourself even though you haven’t done any yoga for weeks.

Love yourself even though you feel insecure.

Love yourself even though you’re not the perfect weight.

Love yourself even though you haven’t taken over the world.

Love yourself even though someone else disagrees with you.

Love yourself even though you are still struggling to plan your content.

Love yourself even though you know you need to go to the hairdressers but you prefer to put a woolly hat on or plait your hair.

Love yourself even though you eat really really healthily during the day, and scarf a bag of chips in the evening.

And, my personal favourite, love yourself even if you’re ashamed of not being perfect at loving yourself, or if you habitually beat yourself up for forgetting to love yourself enough.

(Thanks to my lovely facebook friends who shared their self-criticisms and things to love themselves even though…the above are all real examples!!)

Love yourself even though anything…because love is not conditional. And you deserve your love. On Valentine’s Day and every day.

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