MRI Survival Kit

Well, I did it! I survived the MRI scan. As a claustrophobic fidget, I was a little bit worried about it…to say the least. But actually it was mostly ok. Firstly, I kept telling myself that it would be ok, I wouldn’t be in there long and it wouldn’t be as bad as I feared – a simple step, but essential – reassuring yourself is really important to soothe your fears. I also got a self-hypnosis script from a friend, which was good, definitely helped and reminded me that in the grand scheme of things, I was much stronger than my fear of MRI tubes.

This is essential as our fears have a tendency to assume monster proportions, when actually they are quite small. Let’s face it, this MRI thing took up 25 minutes of my entire life. A miniscule problem overall! I also prepared myself with a few ideas of meditations, breathing exercises and visualisations – again, a fabulous way to soothe your fears is to prepare as well as you can for whatever you do.

Cometh the hour, cometh the eyes screwed tight shut! The light in the room is really bright, it’s well aired, but I knew that if I opened my eyes panic would ensue! So I shut my eyes and started to distract myself (something I have a genius for when it comes to distraction from work! Lol). I thought of big skies in Australia, I focused on my breathing, I pictured myself on a beach watching the sun set, I sang ‘3 Little Birds’ by Bob Marley and ‘Don’t you worry’ by The Beloved to myself.

In an MRI you are told the most important thing is to keep still…and I am the world’s biggest fidget. So I wanted to move – I realised I had become uncomfortable and I couldn’t wriggle to get comfortable. Which reminded me of a scene in Blackadder when he’s about to be burnt at the stake and he complains ‘I’m not even comfortable’. Which made me chuckle. This led to another good distraction of remembering amusing scenes from Blackadder.

Finally the noise of the machine stopped (which didn’t bother me actually because it covered the sound of my pounding heart!), and I heard the radiographer come back in. Phew. I had survived, I hadn’t opened my eyes, I hadn’t panicked, and it was over! Then I made the mistake of opening my eyes. Big Mistake. I managed to keep it together while discussing with the radiographer the excessive amount of time it would take to get the results back to my doctor (3 weeks – don’t even get me started!).

When they let me go I literally legged it out of there like they’d set my arse alight. Recovering at that point was actually the worst bit – I wouldn’t go in the loo at the hospital because it was too small, I wouldn’t go in the lift, if I could have walked home I would have! Note to self: next time DO NOT OPEN YOUR EYES. And bring some rescue remedy. In fact, the only thing I’d add to my MRI survival kit is a blindfold, then even if I’m tempted to open my eyes, I won’t be able to see how close the damn thing is!

With a bit of luck I won’t need another one…ever. But if I do I know I can do it. And it reminds me that the more tools you have at your disposal in life, the easier you can get through things that cause you irrational panic and fear!




