One of my least favourite things in the whole world is receiving e-mail that tells me I suck. Not because of anything I’ve done, not thoughtful feedback from someone who knows me, but a random e-mail from some ‘expert’ who tells me what I’m doing wrong and why I suck and why my approach will never work and how they are wonderful and have all the answers.
Grrr. Back in the early years of my business, I was subscribed to hundreds of these things from marketers, business experts and random people off the internet. And every time I received them, I would shrink a little more in confidence. I would read them through, recognise the terrible patterns they described and take their word for it that because I was listening to music while I worked, my business would tank – or some other such shite. It very nearly drove me out of business.
Luckily, I found people who didn’t jump on this bandwagon and instead of telling me I sucked, they just gave me useful information I could use to ‘get better’ at whatever it was. Without making me feel bad about myself and my chances first. People who told it like it was (building a business takes time, changing your life takes time, sorting your financial life takes time etc) without making me discouraged.
It may be a ‘wonderful’ sales technique (doesn’t work on me by the way) but if it leaves me feeling like I’ve just bitten into a rotten apple, it’s not good. The real truth is that there are as many ways of doing things as there are people in the world. Everyone is unique, and has a unique style. Sure, we can model ourselves on successful people…but people who fit our style rather than people who are polar opposites from us.
For example, I know of a successful author who gets up at 5 am to write. I would love to write more books, but I am not going to get up at asleep o’clock to do it. Not least because I am at my worst, my least creative and my grumpiest first thing in the morning – not something conducive to great writing! But I have heard this author say that you ‘have to’ get up early to write.
Hmm. Maybe he ‘has to’. But I am pretty sure that amongst the millions of authors out there, there are some who write in the afternoon, or even (gasp of horror) in the evening. It’s horses for courses. Remember this the next time you have someone who knows nothing about you telling you what you should do. What they mean is ‘this is what I would do’ – which might well be helpful…but it also might be as useless as the advice to get up at asleep o’clock when you are not a morning person.
Anyway, this subject kicked off today because I received an e-mail from someone basically telling me (without knowing a damn thing about me) that the way I was doing business was ‘wrong’. I unsubscribed. If you know me and how I’m doing things, feel free to tell me I suck – I appreciate constructive criticism, it helps me to get better. But don’t tell me I suck when you have no idea about me.

When you get advice this week, remember that what they mean is ‘this is MY opinion’, not ‘this is the law’ – the world has space for all sorts of different routes to success in all areas. Trust yourself to know what’s right for you (if it makes you feel bad/ill/cross, it’s probably not right for you!) And if you have e-mails coming into your inbox that make you feel bad, unsubscribe! Want to share your thoughts on this article? Leave me a comment below. Or pop over to my facebook page and write on my wall.
7 responses to “OnTheBeach – Don’t Tell Me I Suck”
thank you :))
Gorgeous! Go girl! Enjoy that perfect day vision. xxx
Thank you Sandra! 5am? Shudder! That is ASLEEP o’clock! x
Oh absolutely! It’s such a disempowering viewpoint that we’re bad/wrong/somehow less than magnificent. Will check out your video – thanks for shining brightly, Goddess! xx
great tips! I am already visualizing myself, I can literally feel it and see it as if it is already there. 🙂 I’ll try the prompt from Sandy “my perfect day!” I thought it would look like this “I get up, get ready to have a poetry reading, thousand of people came there all the way just to listen to me reciting a few poems and afterwards to have a discussion about it, what made me write it or how I got inspired and all this” 🙂 and I’ll be in trance telling them my stories =) oh yeah I’d love this !!! :)))
Donna! Let me tell you, you DON’T suck at all! You do very well and things are just going super well for you! You made it your own way!! 🙂 thanks btw for your lovely feedback on my new blog!!! will respond soon! :)))
writing at 5 AM wow that’s too early for me but I had times when I got up so early.. my time is usually 7 AM or 00h 😀
Ooh you hit the nail on the head here!
I’m right with you, goddess! So much so that I did a video entitled “You’re not broken”.
If we all just moved from a place of “I’m already just fine, but I can get better” rather than some demeaning, demoralizing, self-diminishing viewpoint ~ we’d all do a lot better, I reckon.
The goddess known as Jacqui