“There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle.” Deepak Chopra

You are an important piece of the grand puzzle – do you own that? Do you live that? Do you see how amazing, how beautiful, how wonderful you are? Or if something is currently darkening your brilliance (lack of self-belief, fear, feeling directionless), do you see how amazing, how beautiful, how wonderful you are? I can see the wonder of you from here…I hope you see it when you look in the mirror!
Own your own magnificence – own that you are a part of the grand puzzle, an important part. What can you do this week to show your faith in your importance?
PS I couldn’t say ‘jigsaw’ as a kid, it was a ‘jinksaw’ – just thought I’d share that!