WARNING! There is a little swearing in this post, so if that’s not your cup of tea, stop reading now! ๐
I’ve been doing these lovely vision sessions lately with some gorgeous people, and one of the things I’ve noticed a LOT is that we spend a lot of time squashing our vision with practicality. We start to talk about our vision for our life, and before we’ve even enjoyed 2 minutes of joyful dreaming, before we’ve had a chance to connect with the gorgeous “f*** me, I could have that?” feeling of our vision, our Practical side gets involved and beats down the vision with a series of ‘can’t do’s and ‘impossible’s and ‘yes but’s.
Bollocks to that!
Your vision deserves for you to actually hear it and feel it and enjoy it and love it and luxuriate in it and see it in its full beauty. To really feel that “f*** me, I could have that?” feeling. To really imagine having that life you dream of. To really dream of that life – fully, completely and in depth and joy.
When you are thinking of your vision, it’s the time for your practical side to go and have a cup of tea, to take a break, to chill out and SHUT UP! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to demonise the practical side of you – not even slightly, without that practical side, your dream will remain a dream. But you need to get the parts of you in the right jobs.
The inner dreamer’s job is to dream, to create, to imagine, to soar with visions of wonder and joy and “f*** me, I could have that?” and “oh man, that would be AWESOME!”
The inner doer’s job is to GET SHIT DONE. But too often, that inner doer is employed in the job of Dream Squashing. Which it does well, because it GETS SHIT DONE. But we don’t want it to do that.
[tweetability]Give your Inner Doer a new job description: MAKE YOUR VISION COME TO PASS. [/tweetability]
Imagine it: your Inner Dreamer comes up with a really exciting vision for your life (while your Inner Doer is having a well deserved rest – feet up with a cup of tea) – a vision that makes your tummy tingle, your feet itch to dance and your body want to jump up and down with joy and excitement and enthusiasm. Then you invite your Inner Doer to come back and make that happen.
The first thing it will probably do (because it’s been doing it for so long) is Squash Your Dream with practical objections. See this as a Good Thing. If you ignore the Dream Squashing aspect of it, your Inner Doer will have just given you a list of things you need to get over so that you can have your Dream. If you lack confidence, you’ll need to build confidence. If you aren’t sure you can do it, you need to build self-belief. If you have no idea where to start, you need to find a starting point.
None of these are unsurmountable objections. You absolutely CAN get past all of these blockages and obstacles. And, if you want your dream, you must.
Once the Inner Doer has laid out all your objections, fears, obstacles and blockages, set it the task of making the vision happen anyway. Get that Inner Doer in its rightful job – the job it was born to do: Carry out the instructions/visions of the Inner Dreamer. Once it’s in the right job, it will do it so well you’ll be astounded! Trust me on this – once those two parts of you work together, shit will happen!
Your Vision will start to come true, because instead of Squashing Your Dream, your Inner Doer will be on the job of Making It Happen.
Interested in having a Vision Session with me? Click here to get more info about them and to book.
Let me know below if your Inner Doer has been Squashing Your Dream in the comments below.
6 responses to “OnTheBeach: Squashing Your Vision With Practicality”
Thank you! xxx
I’ve included this post in my biweekly Link Magic roundup! You can view that here:
Thanks for writing such an amazing post!
Thanks McKella! Well, now you can get your practical side working on making your tree house dream become a reality!! And don’t forget to let me know when it happens. ๐ x
I love this, Donna! I definitely have an issue with this. I’ll start dreaming of living in a tree house in a forest by the ocean when I write and make art with my husband and future daughter, but soon I think “yeah right, I’m lucky if can ever work for myself at all! Let’s settle for a nice, cheap apartment a few hours away from the ocean.” The practical side is loud sometimes. I love this post though, I’m going to feature it in one of my roundup posts on my blog!
Absolutely – the inner doer’s only critical because it thinks that’s the best way to get the best from you…once it realises it’s more effective (and more fun) doing the job with encouragement and possibility, it does it that way instead! ๐ As with any change, it takes a bit of attention and persistence! Good luck! xxx
Love the inner doer and such a great idea to let the inner doer ( my inner critic) have a role I am going to do that as i have had a block in creating my Heart’s desire. Namaste