Planting a Golden Seed

Have you ever planted a seed? You prepare the earth, plant the seed, ensure is is protected from pests, water it, make sure it’s in a place conducive to growth. And then you wait. You may need to regularly nurture your seed, or you may need to let it alone to grow. When the seed is ready to bloom, it will…as long as the time is right (no rose will bloom in winter), and the conditions are right. Whether it blooms or not, you have learnt much about the process, and will be able to do your part with greater confidence next time. You may also learn that rabbits like to eat your seeds so they need greater protection.

Now, let’s think of your dreams and goals as golden seeds. Seeds for a golden tree (or silver or platinum if you prefer!). Have you chosen your seed (got clear about what it is you want)? Planted it (decided it’s an idea you want to grow)? Have you protected your seed from the pests (People who pooh-pooh your idea) and the elements? Are you nurturing your seed? But leaving it to grow (not digging in the earth asking where the hell your beans are)?

Have you just planted the one seed? Or do you have many seeds? Are you relaxed, knowing they will bloom when the time and conditions are right, and the only thing you can do is your bit and nature will take care of the rest? Your golden seeds (dreams and goals) are precious, wonderful things that will grow in the right conditions – to give them the best chance, remember that this is a seed that needs to be protected, nurtured and allowed to develop in it’s own time.

And then you will be able to enjoy a bountiful harvest.




