Podcast: Extreme Self-Care and Your Big Dream

 Your Big Dream requires a lot from you – a lot of your energy and time, and they demand that you are very well cared of. Extreme self-care means going the extra mile for ourselves, taking extremely good care of yourself. Taking care of yourself body, mind, heart and soul, and supporting yourself fully, 100% caring for you. You need to be in tip-top shape to be able to give your Big Dream anything outside of your normal, busy life.

To listen to this week’s podcast, click here: Extreme Self Care and Your Big Dream

Answer this question every day: If I was taking EXTREME good care of myself today, what would I do? And do it!

To listen to the 3 pillars podcast, go to https://donnaonthebeach.com/2012/01/dreams-to-reality-podcast-the-3-pillars/

You can also subscribe to this podcast on itunes here.

May all your dreams become reality.

