Podcast: Your Big Dream Takes Time

 The number one complaint I hear from clients when we’re talking about Big Dreams is that it’s not happening fast enough. But Big Dreams do take time, because they’re BIG! Keep stoking the fire, don’t stop putting fuel into your Big Dream…you’ll get there.

To listen to this week’s podcast, click here: Big Dreams Take Time

Look at what happens when you stop fueling the engine – and what could you do next time to keep that engine running (eg get support, remind yourself you’re closer than ever, have a rest, take some action)

You can also subscribe to this podcast on itunes here.

May all your dreams become reality.








2 responses to “Podcast: Your Big Dream Takes Time”

  1. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Hey Lisa – I’m so glad it reached you at the right time! Keep going!!! xxx

  2. LIsa avatar

    Donna – this post could not have come at a better time for me (and my business partner). Thank you for the reminder that my BIG dream is a MARATHON, not a 1 mile fun run!