Practically Perfect In Every Way

As usual, the Bank Holiday brought with it rubbish TV. My favourite by far was one of these dreadful and pointless 100 greatest lists. It was the 100 greatest family films of all time. And I realised that this is my favourite genre by far! I watched most of the top 40 with a cheesy grin – I own most of them, the Jungle Book, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribean etc. In fact, of the ones I saw on the list, there was only one I hadn’t seen. Edward Scissorhands. Most remiss of me!

Anyway, somewhere near the top was the genius of Mary Poppins…which got me thinking about being practically perfect in every way. Is this an ideal that you are trying to live up to? Perhaps not to be Mary Poppins, but to be the perfect businesswoman/man, the perfect mom/dad, the perfect person – with the best social life, best job, best car, best tv, best friends, best body? The truth is that practically perfect people don’t exist and the sooner you realise that perfection is an impossible idea, the sooner you can get on with being imperfect and enjoying it!


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